We are in the risk of losing internet as we know it due possible government censorship. Read what this is about, why you should care, how you can take action and what this means to our economy.
What are SOPA and PIPA?
Members of Congress are trying to stop piracy and counterfeiters but SOPA and PIPA are the wrong way to do it.
The Protect IP Act (S. 968) is the Senate companion bill to the House’s Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). If these bills pass, they could open the door to widespread government regulated censorship online. While these laws are to protect large entertainment companies from piracy and to stop piracy online, they put in risk everything we all do online and open a possibility for government to censor what we do online.
How this reflects on you?
Sites like Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google and several other sites relaying their existence in the freedom of sharing information will be affected. If the law passes, entire websites can be taken down if they publish copyrighted content or if they LINK to copyrighted content. Yes, one link and the entire website could be gone. All of the above mentioned websites would be censored within seconds.
While it may sound like the biggest problem for you would be that your personal use of internet would completely change, it would have additional impacts as well. So many American small businesses rely on internet as it is and the free information distribution, that it would tremendously impact on American small businesses and the entire American economy. Many only web-based companies would simply just die, but that’s not all of it. Think of how many small local businesses who have nothing to do with internet rely on internet search to even be found? (Think how much easier your life is without phone book and with internet search). Think what it will do for our economy when so many small businesses will go down?
Voice your concern and act now.
What you can do:
Contact you local
senator via phone (link where you can find the correct person and phone number) and tell you want her/him to vote against it.
Email your local representative and ask them to vote NO.
More importantly, take time to get educated about this issue, because this has an impact on you – and even a bigger impact on how your children’s future will look like.