Discover the Other You in Thailand

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) launched Discover the Other You campaign to promote creative tourism in Thailand and it really resonates with the Skimbaco Lifestyle. The Discover the Other You campaign promotes wanting to try something new and learn new skills while enjoying your vacation while it educates about Thai culture and offers a chance to win one of three 7-day creative tourism experiences for two people in the Land of Smiles. While the giveaway sounds great and all, but what really made me think how often we just look at resorts, hotels, tourist attractions and flights when we plan our trips. I noticed on our last trip in Italy that I was still searching for unique opportunities to go to an olive oil farm or something while there, but of course the cooking classes etc. what I was able to find last minute were not available while we where there. And of course many we could have made happen with a little more planning. I love how the Tourism Authority of Thailand partnered with several different unique experience providers around the country to showcase what Thailand really is about. From craft making to Thai boxing; learning about agricultural cornerstones such as rice farming to massage instruction; and lessons in preparing the Thai cuisine, you can experience so many new things in Thailand. And come how like a new person, with new skills to cherish a lifetime. I think especially when you have traveled a lot, the experience and the thrill of traveling isn’t really in the sleeping in a different, even fancier bed than at home, and checking the must see sights off your list. The real essence of traveling really is in what you can learn from the other culture, people and life – and how it changes you as a person when you come back. Now, while the beach vacations in Bahamas are nice, we don’t often come home describing them as life-changing experiences. But when you truly take time to learn something new and immerse yourself to a different culture when traveling, well, you just might discover the other you. Read more about traveling in Thailand at Discover the Other You. Amari Hotels

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.