I have an exciting announcement!
Skimbaco has teamed up with Whrrl, a location based platform that allows you to share your experience in real time with an iPhone App or at Whrrl.com.
One of the newest features of Whrrl is societies; communities based on places you visit. You can become a member of certain societies by checking-in at certain places.
I am happy to announce a
Skimbaco Lifestyle Society and you can become a member by using Whrrl application and checking-in to some of the places which I have chosen.
Skimbaco Lifestyle Society is for people who live life to the fullest. For those who enjoy traveling, food, skiing, design, fashion… everything fun! You will need to check in to at least three locations to become a member.
Currently some of the places you can check in are my favorite chains, for example stores like Anthropologie and IKEA, or restaurants like Texas de Brazil and Maggiano’s Little Italy. If you travel and check-in at major airports, or ski and check-in at ski resorts like Park City Mountain Resort or Telluride – in my book you live Skimbaco Lifestyle and your visit counts towards a society membership. Places like small coffee shops, Scandinavian design stores, places that thrill you or wow you with natural beauty – these are places Skimbaco Lifestyle Society members go.
This society is so new that even I am not a member yet! Will someone beat me with my own society..?
We will grow the society with new places where you can check-in in the upcoming weeks, and if you want to suggest places where YOU live life to the fullest, please check-in with Whrrl and tag your story with #skimbaco hashtag and I will check them out – and maybe add them to the list!
Whrrl now!
Full disclosure: Collective Bias also has a partnership with Whrrl, and I work for Collective Bias, but the Skimbaco Lifestyle society was in the plans already before my employment with CB.