I swear it was not just seeing an Olympic swimmer Aaron Peirsol in his Speedos right in the front of my eyes that inspired me.
It was his attitude in the sports he loves so much, and his inspiring attitude towards life.
We met Aaron Peirsol in an event to talk about
preventing swimmer’s ear with Auro-Dri ear drops, and we learned so much more than using Auro-Dri after swimming.
Tips for Life Inspired by Aaron Peirsol
Ok, quite honestly, these are
Aaron Peirsol’s swimming tips, but I modified them to reflect on our every day life. This Olympic swimmer inspired my children and I to think that anything is possible when you set your mind to it, and I hope this can inspire you to do the same.
Work with your teammates to challenge yourselves on a daily basis.
First of all – you need a team around you. Aaron Peirsol always has had an amazing support group supporting and helping him, but also other swimmers in the Olympic team. Even if your goals are your personal goals, you do need a team around you to support and challenge you. Good teammates are not just “yes-men” who agree with you on every step, they challenge you to become the best you can.
Believe in your coaches and your training regimen.
I know – trusting your “training regimen”, or what ever it is in your life to someone else’s hands is scary, and I am the first person to remind always stay on the top of things yourself, and not trusting anyone else to get you to the top but yourself and find this advice really hitting home. We have to trust and believe in people and systems that are built to help us.
Fitness and nutrition are important. What you do outside of the pool counts!
I think fitness and nutrition are important whatever you want to accomplish in your life and it gives you energy to anything. However, in a deeper level – what you do when you are not working on “your dream” matters. You can not focus on building something important for you and take the next day off from it and doing something potentially taking your steps away from your goal. You need to be able to walk the walk all the time, and keep focus on your dream also when you are outside the settings where it’s done.
Use starts and turns to your advantage. Think of turns as something to perfect and get ahead, not a place to rest.
While this tip may sound too much like a swimmer’s tip – I love it! When you get a big break or succeed and get to a turning point where you could potentially have a little breather and maybe even pat yourself in the back for getting to the turning point, don’t. That’s the point when you should add fuel and amplify the moment and success by working even harder to really get ahead in the game. And find those turning points when many people “take rest” and learn to excel in those. If you are thinking when you have time to work on your “dream” – these “turning points” may be your answer.
Always have fun and enjoy the process.
Living life to the fullest is really is about the journey, not the destination. Is the destination really worth it if you hate the process and journey to get there? You will also learn that it will be easier to get to the destination when you are having fun, and enjoying your way there.