A moment in my life…
Today I entirely get the meaning of the saying “be careful what you wish for.”
Two of my big wishes came true.. but I can’t have them both at the same time!
The business dream I have been dreaming and working for is happening. I have been wanting to move back to Europe to travel more there and give that opportunity for my children as well and we are moving to Sweden next year. This is all amazing news, and I am more thrilled than I could be.
The thing is – I can’t build a business in the US while living in Europe, now can I?
Now, of course I can via social media, and that’s why I work online so I am able to work from anywhere in the world, but at the same time – it’s not going to be the same.
I’m afraid I am disappointing people, I’m afraid I will miss opportunities.
I’m afraid I’ll disappoint myself.
I am even afraid – what if I am making the wrong choice and picking the “wrong dream”? And how do you know which one is the better one to choose from? I can think of 100 reasons to move to Sweden, and 100 reasons why to stay in New York. I can think of emotional reasons, I can think of logical reasons.
I feel in my heart and I know in my head that moving the Sweden is an amazing opportunity for our family, and it is the right choice. We had to make the decision very fast and I didn’t have any hesitation when making it. Most of the people whom we tell about it think how crazy it is that we made up our mind in less than 24 hours to pursue this and it took less than five days to make it official. We could have spent weeks and weeks to think about it more, and yet we would have come to the same 100 reasons why and why not. And we still would have had to make the decision knowing that either way, things are not perfect, and we would have to make sacrifices whether it’s sacrificing the amazing opportunity or sacrificing what we have in New York.
The bottom line question what I asked my husband when we were considering this was this:
Think of us sitting in our home in New York six months from now.. watching TV and there is something filmed in Stockholm on. Would we hug each others and say we are happy right where we are, like we are now, or would be look at each others and say “we should have taken the job, we should have gone to Sweden”.
We both said “we would say we should have gone”. And the decision was easy after that.
I truly believe that you regret the most the things you didn’t do and you had the chance to do them. I do not want the shadow of the dreams and wishes that
could have come true to follow me the rest of my life. I rather have these moments when I am feeling “why did I ask for this” and be overwhelmed by the fact the wish came true and the fact that the reality never is exactly how you dream it to be. Like… Ideally I would be already transported myself, my family and everything we own to a nice apartment in Stockholm. But in reality there are so many things that will have to happen before we are living our Scandinavian lifestyle in Stockholm.
I will most certainly have to work very hard to make this wish come true. Selling everything we own is very overwhelming. Logistically and emotionally. Saying goodbyes to people I love and are part of our everyday life is tough.
Sometimes we forget that life isn’t always easy, even when dreams come true and we are living our happily ever afters. Life takes a lot of hard work, guts to follow through and patience to climb to the top.
I know why so many people don’t even try, I know why so many people are afraid to dream big and commit to taking big leaps in their lives, because it’s not always easy.
But it is not an excuse NOT to even try.