Taking action
I am a writer, and yet I am faced with lack of words describing how I feel about the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. What I do know is that Skimbaco Lifestyle isn’t the type of online magazine where you come to read about news stories like this, but it is hard to find the balance – when to keep our editorial line, and when to speak up. Today I want to speak up. Many bloggers have chosen today as a
day of silence in honor of the victims of the Sandy Hook School tragedy. We are paying our respects, and our hearts go to the families affected by the school shooting, and while we all in our privacy pray or think of the families, we as together as Skimbaco want to speak up and focus in our loved ones, and sharing our love.
I don’t want to write about the horrible tragedy, and I don’t want to write about gun laws and my personal opinion about them.
I want to speak up and encourage YOU to speak up and take action, and do something that makes a difference and that prevents tragedies like this happening again and what makes a world a better place. Educate yourself about the issues like gun laws,
mental health care, or safety procedures in your children’s schools. Read information beyond the news what happened in Sandy Hook Elementary School. It is easy to feel powerless when something as horrible as this happens, but we all together have the power to make this world a better place for us and for our children. Now is not a time to be silent, now is a time to speak up and take action.
Focus in family
Today I want to encourage you to live a little and focus in your family in the moment. It is easy to let the everyday life get to you, and let the routines to wear you down. Even more so: it is easy to let the magnitude of horror of last Friday to take us mentally on our knees. Today I am encouraging you to take action together as a family, together with your loved ones. If you feel taking action considering the tragedy is right for your family, consider participating in the fundraising for Sandy Hook victim
Noah Pozners family. Another great way to take action with your children is to celebrate today a
“thank a teacher day” to show the teachers in your children’s schools how much we appreciate the work they do.
If you don’t have children of your own, this is still time to remember to your own parents and spend more time with the people who matter to you.
Now is also a great time to create new Holiday traditions that focus in the uniqueness of your family and/or friends. This week is also a great time to focus on giving your time and love for your loved ones – instead of running in the stores buying them things. We have been already starting to take it easy here at Skimbaco. We will not remain silent, we will keep shouting the message of living life to the fullest and sharing the love for life with others, but we will be publishing less and we will be less online the rest of December. Now is the time to focus in love.
Your turn
How did the Newtown tragedy affect you? Are you taking now action? How are you focusing in your loved ones this Holiday season? Does the tragedy make you feel pointless to celebrate Christmas – or wanting to make it even more memorable?

Join us! Join the Skimbaco community and share how you are focusing in your family this week and how you are taking action. Tag your photo #skimbaco on Instagram and share how you live a little – or live a lot.
All of the photos can be seen here, we already have over 800 photos!