Skimbaco Lifestyle is the main media partner for Ride Wild 2014, as what could better encapsulate this whole adventure than Skimbaco’s motto “Live life to the fullest”!
Have you been following Satu’s #RideWild2014, the 2500-kilometer bike ride of the Ireland’s scenic coast, the Wild Atlantic Way? Watch the video of the start of the trip, and follow Satu along.
Satu is already half way through, and it’s safe to say from watching her, that she is having an experience of a lifetime. She has discovered that in Ireland you often say hello with a handshake and good-buy with a hug, and the bike ride has turned into so much more than an athletic adventure.
She knows Ireland well, or at least she thought she did before this trip, after all she has lived in Ireland before, and visited annually ever since. However, the trip where she has everything she needs in a saddle bag of a bike, and the daily biking hits around 100 kilometers a day, she has learned and experienced Ireland in a completely new way, even for her.
I will let her to return home, and tell all of the stories from the road, but I think it is safe to say: she is more in love with Ireland than ever before.
From the photos we can see that Satu and her friend Anne-Marit have been enjoying other fun outdoor activities too besides bicycling! Ireland really offers everything from exotic curragh racing to sea kayaking to stand up paddling to climbing the cliffs and yes, biking the gorgeous green scenery.
And even after three weeks away from her family she still agrees: moms need to do more adventures on their own, and her head is already spinning for new ideas what kind of adventures to do the next! This weekend will be special for Satu – her family will be joining her in Ireland, and the adventure continues with the loved ones.
Here are the latest Instagram photos from the #ridewild2014 and remember to follow Satu on Instagram as ToDestinationUnknown
Follow Satu’s trip:

- See Destination Unknown for latest news, blog posts and there is also a page dedicated to all about Ride Wild 2014
- Got something to say while Satu is busy biking – it’s probably easiest is to get in touch via twitter @SatuVW
- Read more about Satu’s route at
- And last but not least, in Facebook, see Destination Unknown and Skimbaco Lifestyle for regular updates and follow Discover Ireland on Facebook for more detailed information about the route and places where Satu is stopping.