Do you like Pinterest? You will love our new project Global Mappin!

Global Mappin for Pinterest - great way for brands to connect with over million Pinterest users

Global Mappin launches Monday June 1, 2015!

I have BIG news! I teamed up with Pinterest expert and a fellow blogger Nienke Krook of The Travel Tester, and we together started a new Pinterest-focused company called Global Mappin. Nienke is heading our European operations in London, and I am in charge of everything on the American side here in New York. Why think local, when you can go global with Pinterest, right? Join us pinning on https://www.pinterest.com/thetraveltester/global-mappin/ Global Mappin will launch on Monday by hosting our first Pinterest event with our first weekly theme. New theme each week, fun games and prizes, and yes – we are planning to pin around the globe! Join us, and get our newsletter so we can tell you of upcoming themes, co-hosting opportunities and more. We will show creative ways of living global lifestyle, and how to add a little something from your favorite destinations to your everyday life, and give ideas where to head next. We encourage self-improvement via travel and living life to the fullest no matter where in the world you are. We will showcase our favorite products, and travel destinations. Above all – we would like to invite you to take the trip with us! Global Mappin on Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/thetraveltester/global-mappin/

Our first party theme is “World in my Pocket”

With this we of course mean how our phones open the world for us in so many ways. How could we go anywhere without a phone these days? And the world is figuratively speaking in your pocket! We will share some secrets to phone photography, what are the must have travel apps, how to get more followers on Instagram, news about the Apple watch, scoop about Periscope and Meerkat, and much much more. World in my pocket - Global Mappin's first Pinterest theme Join the fun with our Pinning Party on Monday June 1st, 2015. 3-4 PM New York Time 8-9 PM London Time

How to join us?

– Create a board on your own account called ‘Global Mappin’ (but of course you could also give it any other name you want) – Every week you can pin all your own favorite content within that week’s theme to it. – Meet us Global Mappin board on Pinterest on Monday at the given time for fun questions, featured pinners, possible giveaways and other practical and inspirational content. Feel free to re-Pin what you like. – Can’t join the party on Monday? We will miss you, but you can catch up with us later during the week, we will be pinning about the same topic the entire week. – Send us a link to your board. Who knows, we might re-Pin you, or even feature your board in our party. Participate for fun, to meet us and make new Pinterest friends. Have a ‘pintastic’ time! Follow our party board Global Mappin and your hosts The Travel Tester and Skimbaco. Follow The Travel Tester’s board Global Mappin on Pinterest.

And of course…. Pin it and tell friends too!

01-world-in-pocket Get on the Pinterest list! Sign up to hear Pinterest news and Global Mappin themes each week

Post by Katja Presnal

“My mission is to inspire you to live life to the fullest and find your own “skimbaco,” how you enjoy life where ever you are in the moment. For ideas for travel, home, food and fashion, subscribe to weekly Skimbaco Lifestyle feed on Mondays and I hope you get my newsletter that I send out sometimes on Fridays.” Katja Presnal, editor-in-chief and the owner of Skimbaco Lifestyle. Let’s connect! Visit Skimbaco Lifestyle (Skimbacolifestyle.com)’s profile on Pinterest. skimbaco-moments

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.