200th Post!

This is my 200th post, and I’m continuing the “tradition” to do a meme, and today I have FOUR of them! THANK YOU for those who awarded/tagged me!

It’s a long post, all non-relevant, non-interesting info of me.
Please, don’t read it.

“This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award.”

Mums The Wurd and Melodye both awarded me the Nice Matters award. Actually Mel already awarded it to me in August.. I so don’t deserve it, my manners have been very bad not writing about it before.. Well, it was the move, the internet “rehab”, my broken foot and life… excuses galore.

The next meme is from Saara, my Finn friend living in Texas.

List three important events and send it back to me and other friends to whose life you want to peak!

or as it goes originally:
Täytä omat kolmen kärkesi. Lähetä minulle ja muille ystävillesi, joiden elämään haluat kurkistaa!

Ten years ago, in 1997
1. Quit college. Quit my job. Left my ex-boyfriend of 5 years. (spring)
2. Moved to Germany, studied in Fachhochschule. (summer)
3. Met my husband and fell in love. (fall)

Five years ago, in 2002
1. Moved from Germany to the US. With my husband and a one-year-old, and a 2-month-old.
2. Traveled from Dallas to Orlando to Cleveland to Montreal. By car. With a toddler and an infant, and while being pregnant (again).
3. Bought our first home, over 100-year-old Victorian from upstate New York.

Three years ago, 2004
1. Saved my son’s life a few times, he had severe seizures and choke to food easily. Tough times.
2. Moved from NY to Cleveland, Ohio.
3. Matt got out of the Army and started flying for a TV station in Cleveland.

One year ago, in 2006
1. Lived in Tennessee and designed my dream house close to Nashville.
2. Decided suburbs weren’t for us, Matt didn’t like his job as a corporate test pilot, and we moved to the Rocky Mountains.
3. I started my own corporation.

So far this year, in 2007
1. Moved only once, but stayed in the same town in Colorado!
2. My store has been in newspapers in two countries, in over 40 online sites and once on TV. In the first 6 months of its operation.
3. Did a business trip to NYC. It was my first time ever to be away from home (and leave my kids) for longer than two hours. I met my BFF for the first time – we had been online friends for a while. And did my first trade shows in the US. So exciting!

1. Re-designing this blog – What do you think?? Drea helped me!
2. Working, going to the post office, picking up girls from school.
3. Made dinner together with my husband.

1. Pretty much same as yesterday..
2. Talked on phone with my friend in NYC for over 2 hours.
3. Made some tortilla soup for dinner.

1. More work.
2. Hanging out with my son.
3. I’ll try to catch the new TV show with that girl from Grey’s Anatomy… The doctor you know.. It’s tomorrow, right? See, I watch so little TV that I can’t even remember the names of the shows I want to see (and usually miss, because I still work during prime time).

Next year
1. Move. I don’t know where, but it’s always a possibility. There is so much world to see!
2. I’ll ski much more than this year.
3. Go to NYC again.

I’m tagging only Nice People – these nice people will get the Nice Matters Award and I want to read their memories!

Em – the housewife in France
Naomi at Superdumb Supervillain.
Drea – the hot pastor’s wife.
Amy – the Domestic Goddess.
Petra – another world-traveling mama in Finland.
Arianne – smart and beautiful, and I want you to go and see her new blog, looks great!

And Stacey for the memories in the last ten years and Saara on the 5 things… and yeah, both of you get the Nice Matters of course.

What.. are you still reading? Ok, then the next two memes..

Then the 5 Things You didn’t want to Know of Me
And I can’t tell you all. My in-laws read this and I have shocked them quite enough (sorry about that, I still love you!).

This one is from Stacey:
Katja my stunningly beautiful (model at one time) Colorado friend. She’s a wife, momma, business woman and a whole lotta more stuff! Katja, I think it’s time you tell us something really bad–so’s maybe I won’t envy you so much. Okay?

1. I was teased at school. I wore Converse a year before anyone else, or I moved my hips too much when I walked. Or I was a nerd (got A’s / 10’s from math). I heard me called with names like Math Geek, or Lambada Hips.

2. I started drinking and going in the night clubs when I was 15. I borrowed my mom’s high heels and hitch-hiked to the city. Thank God nothing bad ever happened.

3. I’ve had three knee surgeries – too much sports.

4. Eileen Ford offered me a job in Japan when I was 15, but my Mom didn’t let me go (so I started stealing her high heels and partying).

5. I used to drive 100 mph all the time, but made a mental note to myself not to drive faster than 85 mph after I got pregnant. I’ve gotten only one speeding ticket, in Canada and for over 200$.

AND then last meme coming up is for everybody, it’s from Steph

1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car)
Tessi Volvo – see how B-O-R-I-N-G I am???

2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie)
Pistachio LU

3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name)

4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Red Dog

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, hospital where you were born)
Henrika Tyks – that’s bad!

6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)

7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink)
The Black Latte – oxymoron!

9. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names )
Marjatta Veikko

10. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter)
Who remembers their 5th grade teacher’s name???

11. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower)
Fall Lily-of-the-valley

12. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”)
Strawberry Pantsy

13. HIPPIE NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree)
Latte Birch – yeah, really hippie..

14. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”)
The Dancing Snowstorm Tour
  1. I couldn’t find this post before, sorry… I will work on my tags soon! In-Laws are coming, so this week is slow going on the blog front.

    Thanks, Katja!!!

  2. Kiitos!
    *Niiaa natisti ja punastelee*

    Painun tasta ottamaan haasteesi vastaan! Kiinnostava sellainen, odottelinkin sita innostuneesti, ett amilloin se kolahtaa kohdalleni. Kiva muisteluhetki tiedossa… ;o) Merci!

  3. No way! I’m Strawberry Pantsy! We need to do a show together.

    Your 5 things? You were offered a job by Eileen Ford? I’m so sorry you didn’t get to do that–sort of. I might not know you otherwise, and it’s all about me, right? (kidding!!!)

    Actually I think you and I coulda had a grand time together, a couple of girls trying to reconcile all the ‘junk’ and doing it all wrong! Ooooh I could tell you stories!


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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.