Always Mod’s summer Marimekko sale starts today! Stock up on your favorite Marimekko products now, the sale prices are up to 50% off. What I would really like to get is the Marimekko fabrics and make wall hangings and pillows, but I am desperate to find even better deals than paying 30-something dollars per yard for Marimekko’s fabrics. Don’t get me wrong here, the fabric is worth the price, but the whole fun of a sale is to scout the best deals, right?
Get ready to carry some Marimekko home for under 25 bucks!

Like mentioned, one of the great ways to decorate with Marimekko is to make wall hangings of their bold fabrics. But wait – there is cheaper ways to get Marimekko on your walls!

Marimekko Spring Postcard Collection ($16.20) come in set of 12 cards, and sized 6″ x 4″ – get some inexpensive black frames with matte and frame the favorites of this collection to get instant and inexpensive color to a small space. Great for kitchens and even bathrooms – or for your home office.

Looking for a larger wall art? Get a set of Marimekko tea towels and frame them!
Kanteleen Kutsu tea towel set is $22.50.

Cloth napkins come in set of two for $16.20 and are 16 inches wide – if you have basic sewing skills, sew them together, fill in and close it and you just made a small designer pillow!
These are just a few samples of over 250
Marimekko products on sale at Always Mod – check them all out!