I may be little late… but Happy New Year to you!
I am so ready for 2010 and looking forward everything it will bring.
The last ten years have been a roller coaster to me, the best and the worst have all happened, and often only within a days or weeks of each others to make life even more thrilling. What I have learned is that I want life to be that way – I can not survive if my life is “normal” and static, without ups and downs.
There is nothing sweeter in life than lemonade made of lemons.
Or the unexpected cherry on the top, or the icing on the cake.
I wanted to share my top five life lessons that keep me living life to the fullest.
1. Enjoy every day and every moment like it was your last.
Remember to say “I love you”s to your spouse and kids.
Never go to bed angry.
2. When you look back at your life – you will regret the most the things you didn’t do, than the things you did.
Today is the day to do something different and try something new.
So what if it is not in “your character” – be bold and others will have guts to be bold too.
3. Go with your gut feeling. Just try it.
The “smart” decisions in my life have been some of my biggest mistakes.
Make choices that you inside feel are the right ones.
4. If you are not enjoying your every day grind, change it.
Change can be scary, but don’t be afraid of it. Often things first get worse before they get so much better.
You will be a bigger person after you have made changes in your life to make it happier.
5. Be good. Really, I believe in karma – the good you do, will return to you.
And at least you will have a good feeling inside for doing something good for someone – and that will keep your spirits up no matter what.