The best highchair on the market
Updated in 2018: Our oldest Tripp Trapp is now 18 years old. Our daughter moved away and started college a few months ago. I asked if she wanted to take the Stokke Tripp Trapp with her – because she had been using it as a school desk chair this entire time – and while she said no… she also told me not to sell the chair yet. She wanted to keep the chair, maybe to use it later in a bigger apartment, or even keep it for her kids.
When you are in a market for a high chair, there are ton of options, but for me there really was only one, the
Stokke Tripp Trapp (around $250, depending on color and accessories), made of birch wood. If you compare it to ANY other highchair, it is the cheapest on the market, considering how long you will use it.
The modern design of Tripp Trapp appeals to me. Stokke Tripp Trapp was designed already in the early 70’s in Norway by Peter Opsvik. I’m from the 70’s, I’m from Scandinavia, so I saw a lot of these chairs already when growing up.
What appeals to me even more, is the Big Idea that children should be able to sit comfortably in the family dining table with the rest of the family. What is special about this high chair never gets out of the style, and also never out of the house. We have three of these in our home, one for each kid, and then went from all three around the dining table to be used at school desks in the kids rooms. Thanks to adjustable seat and footrest chair grows as the child grows, and if our kids are not taking their high chairs to college with them, I’m gonna keep them!

Stokke Tripp Trapp is an excellent gift for a pregnant mom, it is really comfortable for your back, and easily adjustable for right height also for an adult. Stokke used to have an ad with a baby and a grandpa sitting on these chairs – and that’s what these high chairs really are about. Timeless design that will last forever.

Nice accessories like the comfy cushion, the handy baby rail and the safe 5-point harness makes this chair to truly change according the needs of your child. Eleven different colors make it easy to match for your decor, although I recommend something pretty neural so you can enjoy it for years to come. Really – we own three Tripp Trapps, and they all have been in daily use since our kids were babies.
As a safety point, the design is really sturdy, and it is almost impossible for this high chair to tip over. We started using Tripp Trapp when the kids were around 6 months old. They are extremely easy to take apart and move – and ours have gone around the world a few times in our moves. Absolutely the best baby product we ever bought for our kids — and the only one still in daily use.