Forget about dieting – look good as you are

While flipping though TV channels on the other night, I found Carson Kressley’s (the fab fashion guru from “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”) new TV show on Lifetime called “How to look Good Naked”.

The name of the show didn’t promise much (me lookin’ good naked? I can’t even get my husband excited), and I was afraid that good ol’ Carson had started yet another make-over show, telling poor women we should look better. But the show offered tears and laughs and Carson didn’t disappoint. At the end of the show the real life make over participant was NOT send home with salad recipes and encouragements to do those annoying squeezes with your hands in the front of your chest to get your breast muscles in better shape to lift your boobs up. Make-over-fashion-guru Carson didn’t even mention for the participant that she might want to loose at least 20 pounds, even though she thought she should loose 40.

According to Carson the key to outer beauty is inner beauty – when you feel good, you look good. While this statement really isn’t anything new to any of us, it still made me thinking: how many of us women really live the days of our lives really carrying ourselves up and showing our inner beauty? And how many of us forget the exceptionally blue eyes we have or the shiny hair others envy, because we are so obsessed with the extra pounds or “wrong” shaped bottom?

Sure, if ten pounds less makes you happy, go ahead and continue your New Year’s resolution to loose them. But if the Rocky Road or Chunky Monkey or any other weirdly named ice cream makes you happy – go for it. Live life like it’s your last day. Enjoy, splurge and pamper yourself.

Listen to Jennifer Lowe Hewitt and Tyra Banks, and say “so what” if your butt is bigger than size 6, have love handles or can’t fit in your favorite skinny jeans you’ve had since college (and before you had three kids).

And even if fashion is your thing, it doesn’t mean that you need to be a size of a supermodel.

You can look fabulous in the size and age you are.

Need more convincing, or tips how to look your best? I recommend reading some of these easy fashion books filled with great tips.

Before You Put That On: 365 Daily Style Tips for Her by Lloyd Boston.

WHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING: “The author provides something very few fashion books do: specific outfit construction ideas that are generic enough to fit anyone’s wardrobe.”

How Not to Look Old: Fast and Effortless Ways to Look 10 Years Younger, 10 Pounds Lighter, 10 Times Better by Charla Krupp.

WHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING: “Charla Krupp’s newest offering “How Not To Look Old” is one of the best (if not the best!) books for women who are aging but don’t want to hang up the jeans and become a frump in elastic pants and helmet hairdos.”

Style Rx: Dressing the Body You Have to Create the Body You Want by Bridgette Raes.

WHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING: “The most valuable lesson I learned from Bridgette was how to dress my body. The reality is we are all built differently and not all clothing styles look good on all women. She fully understands women ‘s struggles finding clothes that “fit right” and “look good”.”

Tim Gunn: A Guide to Quality, Taste and Style (Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style)
by Tim Gunn and Kate Moloney.

WHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING: “He says, buy the dress that fits well and makes you look great, don’t beat yourself up about the fact that it’s a 10 and you’re “supposed to be a 5!” He says, go home and cut the tag out if you must, but you’re going to look so much better in something that actually fits, than something you try to squeeze into simply because you don’t want to admit to yourself that you have to wear a 10.”

More Fashion Books.

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.