Ski Chick

ski girl

Hi, I’m Katja, and I’m a skiholic. The mountains are my playground and the snow is my best friend. Sorry I can’t get to the phone right now – the powder is too good to miss.

I can’t ski as fast as the boys, even though I try my hardest. I don’t do crazy stunts on the slopes, but sometimes do some dance moves while listening to my iPod.

I am here to stay, even the big boys can’t get me to stop. I’m a ski chick and proud to tell it to the world.

While the cool gear is so dear to me, it’s also nice to have some street wear showing off my passion. A fairly new company from New York, Ski Chick is just what us ski girls have been missing – stuff just for us.

And the best thing – the prices are low, and they even have a great gift package of their most popular products together – a tee, decal, sticker and a water bottle for only 32.99$ – and this is stuff you can use everyday and show off you are a ski chick! Or a ski girl – or a boarder chick – the chicks at the Ski Chick haven’t forgotten the snowboarders either!

I was really happy to receive my Ski Girl tee from Ski Chick and had to take the tee for a few runs today. The weather was nice and sunny early on the morning – but see the clouds behind me in the pic? They dumped some fresh snow later on the afternoon.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll have it all – fresh powder and sunshine. I don’t care, as long as I get to be a ski chick and shout it out from the mountain tops – or just with the cute little top I’m wearing.

Picture taken at Purgatory, Durango, Colorado
Other gear I love to wear: Scott goggles, Burton snowboard pants, Rossignol skis, and my Spread Sunshine necklace

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.