I attended the AOL’s PlaySavvy.com‘s Video Gaming Boot Camp for Moms today. I have been feeling little left out on the whole gaming thing, our family doesn’t have any systems, and I was happy to learn more.
At eleven hundred the drill sergeant started the camp and designated a gaming station for each of us participating moms.
The gaming systems we were introduced were Wii, Xbox360 and PlayStation. I’m a total newbie in the gaming systems, we don’t own one, even though I have been wanting the Wii for a while. That’s why the PlaySavvy.com is like made for parents like me, who want to get into gaming with their kids, but don’t know where to start and want to know more.
The quick recap of these three gaming systems:
– Great for everyone in the family. Kids as young as two years old can play some Wii games.
– Motion sensor controls – do I need to say more? You play Wii Sports and you are actually doing sports.
– You can get a web-browser and accessories like wheels, balance board, controllers etc. Really cool stuff, but gets pricey.
– Around 250 bucks.
– High definition gaming, games have great graphics.
– Great for hard-core gamers, and older kids.
– Great game library and online features. (you need to pay extra to play online)
– Great multimedia features (movie rentals, tv shows, music, photos, etc) – you can also watch DVD movies with it.
– Around 200 bucks
PlayStation 3
– High definition gaming, cool graphics.
– Online gameplay is free.
– Plays Blu-Ray movies.
– Around 400 bucks.
We have three children, aged 6, 7 and 8 years old, and I would choose the Wii. I love the motion sensor control feature, and I would like to get the Wii Fit and well, get fit. The array of Wii games is very wide, something for everyone in the family, and I really like that even the younger kids can play the Wii games. I played Xbox360 an Guitar Hero at the boot camp and I totally understand now why it is one of most popular games for Xbox360. But great news: Now you can also get the Guitar Hero for Wii!
Visit PlaySavvy.com for more gaming related info for parents.
Some of the features of PlaySavvy:
Gaming 101
– You can find game ratings and more details information what the ratings mean.
– How to use parental controls and get tips how to keep gaming safe for chilren.
Parent Q&A
– You can connect with other parents and ask questions from real parents on real-time.
– Read reviews of gaming systems and games and get expert opinions how appropriate or fun the games are for kids.
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