The Jimmies rocked the
92YTribeca on Sunday! 92YTribeca is an arts and entertainment venue located on 200 Husdon Street, NYC, and The Jimmies were performing part of 92YTribeca’s
B.Y.O.K. series.
The concert was at 11 AM, and I think due the daylight savings time it felt even earlier than that. Well, an hour earlier. I had hard time getting kids up the bed on time, it’s over an hour drive from where we live, but we made it. We all were happy that we made it on time, and saw The Jimmies. The Jimmies is now The Best Band Of All Times according to my three children.
My kids (who are 6, 7 and almost 9 years old) were pretty much double the age of the other kids in the audience, but The Jimmies isn’t just for tots, their songs are a collection of different music styles, from reggae to rap and from country to pop, and I can almost guarantee even every parent can pick a song they like to listen (even when the kids are not around).
I loved how the 92YTribeca was dressed up for a kids’ concert.
… and how The Jimmies let the kids be part of the band
with these home-made maracas.
After the concert we had an opportunity to talk to the band, and I am so impressed how the band members took time to answer all of my kids’ questions, and play over and over again with my kids with The Jimmies personalized Whoopie Cushions and the bubble machine. Little did they know that my kids had never owned a whoopie cushion before and it was like the best thing since spreadable chocolate and my two youngest ones just wouldn’t let the band members alone after getting such an amazing gift from them. The lead singer Ashley is so nice, perfect with kids, and I am a fan of The Jimmies for life, just from speaking to her wonderfulness.
Kris, Gaby, me, Ashely of The Jimmies and Isabella
After the concert we met
Jyl of
Mom It Forward, who was in town for the weekend. We had brunch the Triceba way, at the
Bubby’s, and we loved seeing pictures of Jyl’s two children, who are around the same age as Kristian and Isabella, and we were already planning on a family meet-up in Park City Mountain Resort in Utah later this year. I couldn’t have planned a fun Sunday with kids and friends any better! Only one bad thing… now my kids have been bugging me that they
Have To join twitter, because that’s where Jyl (
@Jyl_momIF) and Ashley (
@pluckypea) are too!
Isabella, Jyl, Gaby & Kris
PS. Check out the
NYC Mama’s blog post about the same concert