Ask Your Questions from the TODAY SHOW Producer Moms!

Buy the Today’s Moms book: TODAY’S MOMS: Essentials for Surviving Baby’s First Year ($11.55)

Today's Show, Today's Moms,TODAY’S MOMS: Essentials for Surviving Baby's First Year, Today's Show Moms Book, Mary Ann Zoellner, Alicia Ybarbo, digital moms Mary Ann Zoellner and Alicia Ybarbo are Emmy-award winning producers, and have been part of the Today Show team for nine years. They also have more in common: they both have two children. After coming to the realization that more and more moms turn into the Today Show for advice, comfort and humor, they teamed up to collect all the wisdom they have been sharing on TV for years in between book covers, and the TODAY’S MOMS: Essentials for Surviving Baby’s First Year– book was born. And to really get the TODAY’s touch… (like these two superwomen weren’t enough) contributors include Meredith Vieira, Ann Curry, Matt Lauer, Al Roker, Kathie Lee Gifford, and many many others. The book will be released on April 7, 2009 (you can pre-order at Amazon) and celebrating the release of the book, the authors of the TODAY’S MOMS will be hosting a LIVE “Ask the Author” session at Twitter. The Q&A event with the Today’s Moms will take place on Tuesday, March 24th between 2-4 pm EST. Mary Ann and Alicia (@todaysmoms) would also like to encourage you to ask questions ahead of time using the tag #asktodaysmoms or leave a question on their facebook page or comment and leave them here – I will forward the questions for you! And for the actual event the hashtag #todaysmoms will be used to keep up with the tweets. I hope to see you at Twitter on Tuesday at 2 EST so you can join us and ask your questions for the Today’s Moms and learn how they and the other co-hosts from the Today Show managed to survive parenthood amidst their lifestyles! My question will be – how they embrace the Skimbaco Lifestyle, living life to the fullest!
  1. Both my husband & I run home based businesses and have two young daughters. One of the ways we try to stay on top of everything is by having our agendas online @ Google Calendar. This tool allows us to manage our business and family events quite efficiently. I would love to know what other digital tools Today’s Moms use to manage their careers and family lives.

    See you on twitter!



  2. Both my husband and I have home based businesses and through the years have had to come up ways to manage our time while still being their for our 2 young daughters. We keep our agenda online @ GoogleCalendar to ensure that we never never forget a business or family event. I would love to learn what other digital tools Today’s Moms use to maximize their time at work so they can spend more time with their families.

    See you all on twitter !


  3. So cool! I guess I’d ask them if they could only buy one toy for baby’s first year of life, what would it be? And likewise, if they could only choose one book what would it be? Thanks! Hope the baby cooperates and I can check in with you all at the party!

  4. Can’t wait to participate in the Twitter event! I’ve been so involved in the blog/web/twitter world this past couple of years that I’ve lost touch and find I have less in common with my non-techie friends (many in my neighborhood.)

    Do you find that as well?

  5. Oh – I forgot to add a question!

    I see all of us are interested in finding balance in our busy lives, so I will ask something else…

    As a mother who struggled with postpartum depression, I know how important a support system is. Do you encourage moms who may be at risk or may have postpartum depression to go online to find support?

  6. I will plan to attend another great twitter party on Tuesday as well! This sounds like a great book and I am going to watch the videos now. Thanks for the information and I will think up some good questions.

  7. I will be in the air flying home from Orlando, but when I heard about the event, I emailed Susan saying that she MUST be on the chat FOR SURE! I wish I could tweet from the airplane.

    I will check in when I land to switch planes – if you all are still tweeting I will be there then.

  8. My post doesn’t show either…I’ll wait a bit and see if it mysteriously appears. If it doesn’t, I’ll post my questions again! :)

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.