Ok, I just shared my Martha Stewart experience, and my picture in the NY Times this month, and now I’m going to tell that I visited the folks at the Today Show twice this past two weeks already…
Oh, don’t worry, and stop rolling your eyes, no need to be über jealous or think I’m anything special, I wasn’t a superstar guest in any of these times. (I know, what the heck were they thinking? Well, they have my number now, wink wink…). Normally I don’t write about all of the events I go to here in my blog, but if you want to stalk, I mean, keep up with my goings, check out my Whrrl stories or follow me on Twitter @katjapresnal
Jack was so adorable that we also got a spot on the Today Show blog:
And on Monday this week… TODAYmoms.com launched and I was invited to the Today Show set to celebrate the kick off with two of my friends, and the Today Show producers, Mary Ann Zoellner and Alicia Ybarbo. They wrote the book Today’s Moms: Essentials for Surviving Baby’s First Year. TODAYMoms.com is a new site offering parenting news, advice and tips from the show along with web-exclusive content. The community of moms already on TODAY will now have it’s own place to discuss, share and connect online. The site is heavily Walmart sponsored, which makes me wonder, why Walmart rather unites with MSNBC than utilizes and works with their own community, and well, their own moms, the Elevenmoms.
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