I absolutely adore
Ella Vickers’ sailcloth bags. The bags are made of recycled sailcloth from Americas Cup boats, Maxi yachts, high performance racing boats and cruising yachts. Sailcloth is water resistant, extremely durable, so reusing it makes a lot of sense. Eco-friendly coastal style has never been quite this stylish though. Ella Vickers’ bags look amazing, and you can use them forever.
Ella Vickers has had her company since 1989, and I first heard of her bags a few years ago. Now on my trip to Rockport I noticed that sailcloth bags were everywhere, and a lot of local artists had also created them for sale. You can also find some recycled sailcloth bags at
Etsy. I have to say though – nobody does it like Ella Vickers.

I know the sailing and coastal style isn’t for everyone, but I love the idea of bringing a piece of coastal living with me to the city with the Ella Vickers sailcloth bags.