My motto in life is that I can buy anything I want if I just plan it well, and save on other things.
I drive a car that I picked up from Europe on my vacation, have spent more money buying an espresso machine than a washer, and rarely buy luggage as expensive as my tiny wallet is. But I color my hair at home, upcycle old things to new, sew duvet covers and.. wait for it… rinse tomato sauce jar with water to make sure I use every bit of it, and cut the toothpaste tube open with scissors to used the rest that you never seem to be able to squeeze all out.
Save money on certain things this summer so you can splurge on your summer vacation, get yourself the gorgeous designer heels you’ve been dreaming of, or get a kitchen makeover that you so deserve. Don’t waste your money on everyday things – save it for things that you
really want. Here are some money saving tips for the summer.
1. Create a Relaxing Oasis at Your Backyard
The word “staycation” sounds so… recession. But enjoying summer at home where you can have your own Relaxing Oasis sounds like a luxurious way
to choose to spend summer home in your own pampering backyard. Read the
Skimbaco Home Outdoor Living 2011 Special Feature how to create a relaxing oasis for your backyard and enjoy summer at home.
Splurge: Fire pit is a must for backyard, and if you want to splurge, have a pond with a fountain installed, there is nothing like adding water element into your relaxing oasis.
2. Save Money on Air Conditioning Bill
I collected 10 ways to
save money on your air conditioning bill during summer. Some quick tips are insulating your doors & windows well, using ceiling fans when you can, and NOT turning the air entirely off when you leave the house because it’s costs more to get the house cool again than to keep the air conditioning running while you are away. Also install light blocking window coverings to keep the sunlight out. Cover the windows during the day time, it takes less energy to use indoor lighting than keeping the A/C running!
Splurge: Spend the dollars on custom blinds or gorgeous modern ceiling fans that you will keep for years to come and will have an impact even on your home’s value.
3. Save Money on Sunscreen
Sunscreen can get really expensive, but don’t let that be a reason not to use it. ALL YOU magazine has great tips how to
save money this summer on sun screen. Some simple tips include applying spray lotion inside so it won’t vanish in the wind, and storing your sun lotions always in one place so you won’t lose them. Use the same sunscreen for everyone in the family and of course – when you find sun lotions on sale, stock up!
Splurge: Buy better sun screen without all of the chemicals, it’s worth the money.
4. Save Money on Books & Magazines
I’m hosting a summer book swap for kids next week and it’s a great way to promote recycling & reading, but also save money on buying new books. Summer is great time to read more – hopefully by the pool or at the beach, or on plane on your way to your vacation destination – but books and magazines can get expensive. I subscribe my favorite magazines because it gets so much cheaper and I always have a few magazines to take with me. For example check out
REDBOOK subscription, 90% off and
All You for $1.99 per issue. And host a book swap with your friends – you’ll not just get new books to read but also your friends’ recommendations.
Splurge: Get a Nook or Kindle for reading books on the go and swap electronic books with your friends or borrow them from your library.
5. Save Money on Movies & TV
There are so many better things to do during summer than watching TV.. so cancel your cable! You might be surprised how little you will miss it. You can also save money on movies by seeing them during daytime, or signing up with Netflix. Instead of going to movies with your friends, host a girls night in and watch a good chick flick with friends from your TV!
Splurge: Get a nice TV with a surround sound, and splurge on home entertainment equipment instead of going to movies. You will be able to afford the fancy set up just making a no-go policy to movies for a while.
Disclosure: I have a working relationship with Redbook and All You magazines but my opinions are my own and I was not paid to mention them in the post.