If you live in the moment like me and haven’t done much yet to get ready for Thanksgiving, no worries. Plenty of time to fix that. Here is a longer than normal list of great resources of Thanksgiving tips for you.
Beauty Spotting: Thanksgiving Nails Round-Up at The Luxury Spot brings you nail trends to be thankful of.
Black Friday Shopping Tips for Moms at Better in Bulk has great tips how to make Holidays fantastic but save money and time where you can, and how and what to shop on Black Friday to make the most of it.
Countdown to Turkey Day 2011: November 8 Creating the Thanksgiving Dinner Menu at Home Ec 101 helps you to plan that Thanksgiving dinner menu, even for larger crowds.
Thanksgiving Decorating Shopping Guide is a great resource of fantastic products we picked for you to get your home ready for Thanksgiving and beyond. Most of the products work for Christmas too!
Easy Cranberry Sauce Recipe at The Daily Blarg is for you if you are new to making your own cranberry sauce.
The Best Cornbread Stuffing Recipe (with Mushrooms and Apples) at Skimbaco Food is YUMMY and moist stuffing made without chicken broth!
5 Fun Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids at Life without Pink has many easy and cute crafts to keep kids occupied this weekend.
6 Thanksgiving Table Setting Ideas For The Kids’ Table at the Child Mode has cute ideas to borrow!
Turkey Tortilla Soup at Skimbaco Food is our family favorite, we sometimes like this Thanksgiving leftover meal better than the actual Thanksgiving dinner.
Thanksgiving Leftovers: Sicilian Waldorf Turkey Salad Sandwich at Savoring The Thyme looks amazing and it’s directly from the
Macy’s Culinary Council Cookbook.