Live a Little: Give a Little

Give a Little

So often we live our everyday lives thinking how we can get things, and get more of it all. If you are a mother, maybe you are even thinking right now what you got – or didn’t get – for Mother’s Day, and even comparing what you got with other moms. I admit, I want things, experiences, emotions, and I want more of it all to feel I am living life to the fullest. My thirst for wanting more will probably never be fully satisfied. And that’s OK. It’s OK to want and get more in life, but balance it with GIVING. And I don’t talk about the Mother’s Day gift you forgot to buy. I am not big on giving gifts for adults on a day in a calendar either (sorry mom!), and that’s why I am talking about giving right after Mother’s Day. Because giving when it is not expected, and when it’s not culturally demanded is often more valuable and meaningful. I’m talking about giving with no agenda and no exchange. Today I am encouraging you to GIVE. There is a saying:
If you have much, give your wealth; if you have little, give your heart.
I believe that the best things in life money can’t buy, and often giving kindness, your time, your sympathy can be more valuable than anything you can buy. In fact, sometimes giving from your wealth how ever small or large it may be can be easier to do than giving from your heart or giving your time. I don’t care how you do it. Just do it, give a little, everyone can pay it forward, regardless how limited our resources may be. Buy a cup of coffee for strangers, or donate to your favorite charity. Babysit the single-moms kids so she can have a moment to herself. Invite a lonely neighbor for dinner. Give the last seat in the subway to someone else. Leave an encouraging blog comment. GIVE without any expectation getting anything in return, and you will realize that you will get more in life than you asked for. Some call it Karma, I just call it part of Skimbaco lifestyle. Good things come to people who do good, and paying it forward is essential for living life to the fullest.

Live a Little

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.