Live a Little: Say/Sing it Aloud

Have guts to sing it, preach it, say it aloud

I have one regret from our Disney Cruise to Canada. Not singing in the karaoke. No, really. I hate singing, and I am not good at it, at all. My daughter really wanted all of us to get on the stage and sing together, and I admit, everyone else chickened out, so I took the easy way out and chickened too and we didn’t do it. In a way it’s so insignificant, and even stupid. It’s karaoke. I ski black diamonds, travel the world, help people in need, yet I regret I didn’t sing one ABBA song on a cruise ship karaoke? But I do. Because deep inside I know that was my daughter’s biggest (and only) regret on the cruise, and I should have done it for her. Regardless how scared I was, and how bad I felt about myself. I should have done it to be an example to her – and to be there for her. The above picture is also from our trip, I took it on Peggy’s Cove, gorgeous, gorgeous island close to Halifax in Nova Scotia. (Hope to share more photos soon) This old lady was sitting next to the lighthouse and singing songs. Many of the songs were political and they pleaded you to take action. We are bombarded with messaging from TV, radio, internet, street advertising and billboards all the time, yet the message from this old woman singing on the side of a lighthouse struck me clearer than most of the loud advertising I see. I didn’t even care about the actual lyrics, but it was the fact that there she was, sitting, playing and singing, and sharing her view of the world with no shame, no regret and intent to change the world. Maybe that’s why I didn’t feel like singing the Dancing Queen. I didn’t just want to sing a karaoke song, I wanted to sing a more powerful song, and use my voice for something more meaningful. So today’s live a little inspiration is: “sing” it aloud. Whether you will actually sing, or will just use your voice to say or write it, but have guts to voice out what is important to you. Or in my case – I should use my voice to stick up and be there for people I love, however uncomfortable it may make me. Stay tuned for me in karaoke, because I messed up and need to get this fixed.

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.