Live a Little: Educate Yourself

Live a little: educate yourself

Today I am encouraging you to live a little and educate yourself (a little). Ok, there is nothing “little” about education, and I am not really talking about going to college here, but I’m talking about skills or knowledge you can learn when you are an adult. It’s back to school time for the kids, we might as well think about learning too, right? I’ve felt a little down at times in Sweden because I don’t speak Swedish well, even though I should. I started taking Swedish classes at school at age 13 and many of my friends are close to fluent in Swedish. I always thought I’d move out of Finland, and I knew I had to master English, or even learn German, but Swedish… never in the million years I’d move to the neighboring country and need to know Swedish. The lesson here: no education goes wasted, ever. And I truly believe in this. Whatever skill or knowledge you are learning about, there always will be a moment in your life when you will need it. Last week I watched a German movie on TV, and whenever my German skills were lacking, I had Swedish subtitles to help me with the rest and I was able to watch the entire movie and understand it. It felt so good! I felt like some lost language skills were coming back to me, and that I needed to practice more, and just be braver and use the words (and skills) I had. Even when they are not perfect. Learning new skills, or making old ones better gives you so much self-confidence, and and feeling that you are living fully. We have to keep on educating and making ourselves better for ourselves, for the feeling you get when you learn something new. We often get wiser as we get older, and we realize that we don’t have everything as together as we thought when we were cocky self-absorbed teenagers, but at the same time we stop educating ourselves the older we get – why is this? This week, to live life to the fullest, educate yourself with something. Get a book, google information, sign up for a cake making classes or how to get your golf swing better.

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.