Live a Little: Go Outdoors

It’s time to enjoy outdoors

I am looking outside of my window and the beautiful fall colors, and I’m still thinking how refreshing my morning walk was. Sometimes I only see the cloudy sky and the chilly weather and I admit, I’m tempted to stay indoors, make another latte, and eat another cookie, maybe play some melancholic fall time music to flush it all down. And this morning when I was leaving to take kids to school, and I felt the first little rain drops on my nose, the car was a tempting choice. I admit, I almost even turned back after walking for a few minutes to get the car, just to avoid the walk, the rain and the gloominess of it all. But after a few more steps of brisk walk, my cheeks started getting red, my mind started getting clearer and even the kids were fully awake and their chatty selves, and morning grumpiness was all gone. Today I encourage you to live a little and go outdoors. Satu wrote an excellent post a few weeks ago with 10 things to do outdoors this fall, and some are easy, some require a little travel or imagination. My morning walk this morning was not long… it was just to take kids to school and back, and yet every morning I feel ready to take on the day, and sometimes make the walk a little longer and walk by the river to snap a few photos. My point is.. you don’t have to make big plans, nor be outdoors the entire day, or even be the “outdoorsy type” to enjoy outdoors. The fall is ideal time for outings, it’s not too hot anymore, it’s not too cold, and there is so much you can do to enjoy the changing season. Farmers markets are full of harvest, the tourist season is over in local sights, there are Oktoberfests and fall markets to attend to. There is a saying in Sweden “there is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes,” meaning that you can be comfortable outdoors in any weather if you are just equipped with the right clothing. Fall is an ideal time to pay a little more attention to your clothing, and not just to stay warm, but also to have more fun. It’s the time of the year that you don’t have to wrap yourself entirely yet, but you can already have fun with hats, scarves and maybe even gloves depending where you are. The flip flop season is out, and nicer shoes are in. There is nothing better than dressing in a bright yellow raincoat and red rubber boots on a rainy day and jump in the puddles, but I get that it’s too much skimbaco for most of us. Have I done it? Many times. But it’s like a special occasion and typically afterwards called “the time when mommy went nuts.” So this week – head out and enjoy the season! And if you are on Instagram, connect with other people who are skimbacoing this season and follow the #skimbaco hashtag to see how everyone is enjoying life, and remember to add #skimbaco to your photos as well. How are you living a little this week?

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.