9 Ways to Enjoy Life in the Winter Storm

Live life to the fullest in Nemo snow storm, blizzard tips, nemo

Live life to the fullest in the snow storm

They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I say when the sky gives you snow, go skiing. Skimbaco lifestyle is all about enjoying what you have right now and making the very best of it and enjoying life in the moment. If you are one of our many friends in the path of the winter blizzard, please stay safe and keep living life to the fullest when the snow storm hits. For all of our friends and team members stuck in snow, I represent 9 ways to live Skimbaco lifestyle when it snows. 1. Go skiing and enjoy snow sports. 2. Stay inside & stay warm by snuggling (did you know you stay the warmest when you sleep naked under the blanket, and just let the body heat warm each others? Trust me, I’m Finnish.) 3. Go to a museum, no lines! 4. Go for a walk & enjoy the scenery. 5. Make some tea, coffee or hot cocoa. Hot drinks never tasted this good. 6. Take this year’s Christmas photos now, one less thing to do in December. 7. Eat outdoors and pretend you are in Finland where this weather is just another day. 8. Use alternative ways of transportation, more fun & great workout. 9. Crank up the heat, put shorts on, play some Caribbean music, and pretend the window is just a TV screen.

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.