IGTT Weekly Top 5
1. Featured Instagram Tool
If you have been active on Instagram the past two weeks, this is old news to you: Statigr.am is offering an easy-to-post video for you of your top 5 most liked photos of 2013. It’s not too late to jump in the band wagon and create your own top 5 video. Just log on to your Instagram account at Statigr.am and they will prompt you if you would like your video sent to you and give it a few minutes and the video will arrive to your email account. Save it to your phone and pick it up from your photo folder when you are on Instagram.2. Featured Instagram Travel Blog Post from last week
Over the past few months we have covered several times the topic of “how to get followers on Instagram“, and Nadia wrote an excellent post “A Word Of Advice About Buying Followers” a few weeks ago about the risks of buying followers. I highly recommend reading what Nadia has to say about the subject.3. Featured hashtag & destination
On New Year’s Eve many eyes are on New York City’s ball drop, but in Europe the party happens in Edinburgh, Scotland. Edinburgh’s Hogmanay is not just a few hours of fun when the year turns to new, but Hogmanay is a three day celebration attracting massive crowds from around the world. “Hogmanay” is a Scots word for the last day of the year and is synonymous with the celebration of the New Year in the Scottish manner. Edinburgh’s Hogmanay New Year Party is a three days of events: theatre, music, dance and street extravaganzas. Yesterday part of the event was Loony Dook, a dip in the River Forth right next to the world-famous Forth Rail Bridge. Check out photos on Instagram from the biggest New Year’s celebration by looking up the hashtag #blogmanay, as some great travel bloggers are sharing the experience via their photos. My friends AWorldToTravel and TravelsofAdam are among the travel bloggers reporting live from Edinburgh.
4. Featured #IGTravelThursday Instagrammer
This week’s featured Instagrammer is NellaHelsinki – and you guessed it – she is from Helsinki, Finland. Nella is one of the #IGTravelThursday hosts in Finland, and writes the most popular travel blog of Finland called Kaukokaipuu.
5. Featured… um, Instagram warnings
I wanted to touch base a subject that I personally don’t have much experience, but I’d like to recommend a cation when using some of the apps related to your Instagram-usage. There are rumors that when you are using Gramblr, the website where you can post photos to Instagram from your computer, you might in fact get problems to your Instagram account, for example none of your photos showing up anymore when you use hashtags. Some users also report similar type of problems when using apps like Tags For Likes, which helps you easily to add several hashtags to your photos. Instagram has been blocking some of these apps due extravagant spamming. I personally used an app called Followers+ to track my followers, and Instagram started giving my account a security warning. I stopped using the app immediately. The bottom line: Instagram likes a clean play, and I recommend using caution with apps that you are using.IGTT Traveling Linky
Read more Instagram Travel posts from these new blog posts this week and add your own blog post.
Bloggers! Join the Instagram Travel Thursday and Host the Linky!
Bloggers, join us! Add your blog post to the Linky above, and you can also take the Linky code and add the Linky widget in your blog! Get email sent to you when the Instagram Travel Thursday linky post is up (subscribe it here). get the InLinkz code Copy and paste the following rules and the banner image when you host the Linky widget: Join us for Instagram Travel Thursday! Instagram Travel Thursday is a weekly blog post collection with a purpose to promote the great travel experts on Instagram and Instagram as a source for travel inspiration. Add your Instagram Travel-related post to the Linky. Here are the Linky rules: Link to a new Instagram travel post and use the permalink of your post, not the homepage URL. Only new posts from the week of the linky and no giveaways, other linkys or sales pitches. No links to your Instagram profile, only links to your blog. Link back to one of the Instagram Travel Thursday Linky hosts. Visit a few other posts in the linky and show them some love (comment, tweet, Pin etc.). Links that do not follow the guidelines will be removed. More information at Skimbaco Lifestyle's Instagram Travel Thursday page.
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