Trending Instagram hashtags and events – #IGtravelThursday is one of them!!

Travel blogging trends in Europe: Instagram Travel Thursday Photo: Rantapallofi on Instagram Thanks to our amazing team in Finland, the host bloggers Satu of Destination Unknown, Marinella of Kaukokaipuu and Veera of Running With Wild Horses, the IGTT project in Finland has taken a life of its own. We hosted a large Instagram event in Helsinki at the Klaus K hotel earlier this year, and took our first Instagram Travel Thursday trip to Stockholm, Sweden, thanks to our sponsor Silja Line. I think it’s time to get IGTT to get hosted in other languages as well and get this type of language focused micro-communities growing. Well, “micro” is relative, the Finnish IGTT community is a few hundred bloggers strong. Do you write in another language than English or Finnish? Interested in hosting IGTT in your language? Let’s talk. Join our Facebook group for more discussion how we can move forward with IGTT in other languages.

IGTT Weekly Top 5

1. Featured press

YES, Instagram Travel Thursday and our #IGtravelThursday hashtag got press in the new Kotiblogit magazine about blogging in Finland. Riikka Krenn, the editor of Finland’s largest travel site Rantapallo, was interviewed about the TOP 10 blogging trends in Finland at the moment, and Instagram Travel Thursday was mentioned as one of the top 10 blogging trends in Finland. The article misinformed how the project got started, but that’s peanuts. Important thing is – the work we have done for the Finnish travel blogging community and how they have been uniting through Instagram photos and weekly blog posts is quite remarkable.

2. Featured Instagram Hashtag

Do you already follow one of the most genuine community builders of Instagram, Josh Johnson? His #JJ hashtag has transformed from a daily theme to now probably a few hundred subcategories, of subcultures of people posting pictures of a specific theme, color, location, editing way, mood – you name it. Josh Johnson on Instagram http://instagram.com/joshjohnson This week Josh has teamed up with The Polaroid Museum in Las Vegas to collect photos for a massive Instagram photo exhibition. If you are lucky, your picture could make it to a more prominent part of the installation. This week Josh has already asked Instagrammers to posh pictures in blue and green, stay tuned for more prompts to be part of the project. I like that Josh always has 3-2-1 rule for his community – for every photo you post you should comment two and like three. Great rule of thumb for #IGtravelThursday community as well! Some of the photos already featured as part of the Polaroid project:

3. Featured Instagram Event

Scandinavia is already ahead in the Instagram photo exhibitions as well. Samsung is sponsoring an Instagram art exhibition titled “With a Note” in the Nordic capitals in Finland, Sweden and Norway. The project “With a note” brings attention to creative mobile photography artists and at the same time inspires people to try phone photography themselves. With a Note-project has been running globally and is coming to an end with large exhibitions in the capital cities of Sweden, Norway and Finland. The event in Finland will be held at the Korjaamo art gallery in Helsinki during March 12-16, more information here. With a Note Some of the photographs part of the With a Note-project.

4. Featured IGTT Post from last week

A month ago in Penang … a wistful look back at my Malaysian holiday (via Instagram) caught my eye at the I’m Not A Ballerina. I have never been to Malaysia, and Amanda’s photos gave me the just needed daydream trip!

5. Featured Pinterest board

Did you know that you can easily Insta-Pin, pin your Instagram photos to Pinterest to show them to a whole new audience? We also have a joint Instagram Travel Pinterest board, and you can ask to be a contributor in the board. Follow Skimbaco Lifestyle (Skimbacolifestyle.com)’s board Instagram Travel on Pinterest.

IGTT Traveling Linky

Read more Instagram Travel posts from these new blog posts this week and add your own blog post. instagram-travel-linky-rules Not a blogger? Not a problem. Join us at Instagram by using hashtag #igtravelthursday and share your travel photos.

Bloggers! Join the Instagram Travel Thursday and Host the Linky!

Bloggers, join us! Add your blog post to the Linky above, and you can also take the Linky code and add the Linky widget in your blog! Get email sent to you when the Instagram Travel Thursday linky post is up (subscribe it here). Get the InLinkz code here. Copy and paste the following rules and the banner image when you host the Linky widget: Join us for Instagram Travel Thursday! Instagram Travel Thursday is a weekly blog post collection with a purpose to promote the great travel experts on Instagram and Instagram as a source for travel inspiration. Add your Instagram Travel-related post to the Linky. Here are the Linky rules: Link to a new Instagram travel post and use the permalink of your post, not the homepage URL. Only new posts from the week of the linky and no giveaways, other linkys or sales pitches. No links to your Instagram profile, only links to your blog. Link back to one of the Instagram Travel Thursday Linky hosts. Visit a few other posts in the linky and show them some love (comment, tweet, Pin etc.). Links that do not follow the guidelines will be removed. More information at Skimbaco Lifestyle’s Instagram Travel Thursday page.


Also get my ebook Instagram as your Guide to the World – How, What and Who to Search and Follow on Instagram to Help You Travel the World FOR FREE when you subscribe to my newsletter.

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.