One of the future lifestyles is space lifestyle – but it doesn’t mean we are all going to space! At least not yet. But it means that we are starting to use more and more the same technologies that are used in space, developed in and for space and we are using space as a way to learn how we could also live better here on Earth.
IKEA is already using space as a context for product development, and they are already creating products with space lifestyle in mind. How are they thinking space lifestyle? They are discovering new ideas for a better life in urban households around the world – all inspired by outer space living where tight spaces, air and water pollution is the norm. IKEA cares about finding sustainable solutions – like plastic made of renewable bio-based materials.
Instead of Iceland – IKEA and Mars Society did their training experience in another “space on earth”-location, Utah. And instead of snow and wind – they experienced hot temperatures and encountered with rattle snakes and scorpions.
IKEA Trained like Astronauts
IKEA did their own space camp with Mars Society to study how the habitat in Mars could look like. One of the focus points for IKEA was to gain insight what makes a home feel like home to people, even if it is on Mars. A journey to Mars takes three years and it can only be reached with the help of a lot of research, innovation and engineering. IKEA is working to using those learnings and bringing them back to earth and into our homes.“Meeting a team who’d been isolated for 60 days really gave us some perspective. It’s not like you see the stars out there the way you do from Earth once you’ve left its atmosphere… It’s pretty much pitch black. And there you are, in that darkness for 18 months until you start approaching Mars,” Robert, Designer & Architect at IKEA explains.

“We looked a lot at how the habitat worked both practically and emotionally on a day-to-day basis. It was very apparent that all the human values that we take for granted weren’t taken into consideration, like eating together, enjoying entertaining activities and, especially your personal privacy. Everything felt very sterile and quite primitive. So this is something that we’ll be looking at: how can we incorporate softness and humility through colours and materials,” IKEA’s Interior Designer Christina says.

“At IKEA we love doing the impossible, and what is more challenging than exploring space? Small space living is a fact in space and we want to learn from that as this is a reality to more and more people. We are curious to see what makes a space travel homey, what boundaries and restraints you need to work with and bring that knowledge into our product development. To use space knowledge for a better everyday life on earth”, says Marcus Engman, Design Manager at IKEA Range and Supply.This experience did not end there. There is an entire product line coming inspired by space living.