Live life to the fullest: que sera, sera

Live life to the fullest: trust whatever will be, will be

Life life to the fullest: what will be, will be

Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be The future’s not ours, to see Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be.
There is deep wisdom in sometimes just letting things work out on their own, and just trusting that whatever will happen, will happen for a reason. It’s sometimes hard to let go, and keep that trust, and at the same time, you have to find a balance of still being in control of your life and not just drifting and hoping you will get an outcome you like. Today, I would like you to let go of some things you have been stressing over for a while, and just mentally trusting the best will happen. You can still work hard, and make an effort, but the stress of “this has to work” probably is pulling you down more than you think of, and it’s time to let it go. It’s time to trust, que sera, sera.

How Que Sera Sera guides me

When I was just a little girl, Doris Day’s Que Sera Sera, was probably the first song I learned to sing in English, and one of those international songs that everyone in my family in Finland knew of, even my grandmother. It was a hit a few decades before I was even born, released in 1956. I think the whatever will be, will be gave me hope, but at the same time, it made me a rebel. What do you mean “will be, will be?” As someone growing up in a small town Finland, I was afraid that if I just let it be, and wait that something is going to happen, I will never get out of the small town, and see the world! Instead of it giving me a false trust of me waiting something to happen to me, it gave me hope and everything became an opportunity to me. If I was in the city and saw a man that looked like a business man in the entertainment industry, I would start singing, because, duh, maybe I was going to be “found” that day. (No, I didn’t have singing talents, but you know, it could have worked out). If there was a drawing contest organized by a local bank, I would attend just in the hopes of winning and getting my picture on the local newspaper, and duh, become famous. (It worked, I’ve been in my local newspaper several times, the first time when I won the drawing contest, the last time a few years ago about Skimbaco). Give your kid a chance to be seen in our next magazine. If there was an opportunity to get out of our small town, I was on it. I attended girls scouts, Red Cross, gymnastics, track and field club, dance club, and church club events all over the country by the age of 13. I knew from very early on that if I was just going to sit and wait whatever will be, will be, at least I had to work hard, get to know people, learn as much as I could, and maybe then things would happen. And it worked. I got my first PR job directly out of high school, and held a marketing position that others could have just dreamed of by the third year of college. I was 22 years old, and already knee-deep in the business world, when I realized that I was a complete control-freak and I had no room for serendipity, or que sera, sera in my life. I planned, executed, worked hard, and had a plan B, C and D for everything, and there was no room for letting things happen organically. Above all, I realized that the future I was so busy building for myself, was not the one that I really wanted. What had happened to the wishes of seeing the world and enjoying the moment? I think sometimes we get so caught up on doing the things we are expected to do, or performing better, making more money, getting the right guy/job/house, that we forget to ask ourselves is that really what we want. I am glad that I gave the opportunity for que sera sera in my life, and let life show me things that I could have never even dreamed of happening. Don’t take me wrong, I still strategize everything, but after years of over-planning everything, I have learned that you need to be open for new possibilities, keep your eyes open, and be ready to take life as it comes, and it’s OK to change the course of your path. While I am a big believer that you can’t just stand and wait something to happen, and you always have to choose one path to go towards to, I don’t believe you have to stay on the same path forever. Let life surprise you, and take the surprises as blessings. Trust the que sera, sera.

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