Your traveling kid could be in our next magazine!

traveling-kids-on-instagram Instagram states that children have to be 13 years old to join Instagram, and I think it’s a great idea to limit social media usage of children. We, however, would like to give central stage for children who are not old enough to be on Instagram – in our next e-magazine issue! Parents are not the only ones having fun when it comes to traveling, and we are launching a search for kid travelers around the world to be featured in our next e-magazine issue publishing in late May. Our summer issue is all about family travel and coastal fun. In most families the kids have as much to say where to go on vacation as the parents do, so we decided to ask the children themselves about their traveling preferences. Is your kid a traveler who has a lot to say? We are featuring 10 jet-setting children from around the world by asking a few simple interview questions and publishing one photo per child. We already have 4 children picked, so hurry submitting your child by posting a photo on Instagram! We will also feature some of the photos on the SKIMBACOERS Instagram account and you can see all of the #skimbaco photos on our website. Details below, and here is the latest issue of our magazine.

3 Easy steps to enter your child

1. Submit a travel photo on Instagram of your 4 to 12-year-old child traveling. Add a comment where the photo was taken and why your child liked or didn’t like the destination, or you can comment why you think your kid is a great kid-sized travel ambassador and should be featured in our magazine. 2. Add a hashtag #skimbaco in the photo. If you want to tell even more people about your traveling kid, use also #IGtravelThursday hashtag. You can also tell about the magazine feature possibility to your friends if they would like to share pictures as well. 3. Follow @skimbaco on Instagram and tag @skimbaco so I will see your photo faster. NOTE: if your account is set private you can still enter, but then you will also have to allow me to follow you back so I can see your photo. Rules: Submit a photo between April 24th -May 6th, 2014. Make sure your child agrees on your posting the photo and would agree on being in the magazine if picked. For all of the children featured in the magazine, we will need a minor model release signed by both parents and a photo release for the photo, and interview questions answered and emailed back to us. The release forms and the questions will be emailed to you and they are required back for us by May 12th. A failure to submit a release form will result in your photo/child not being able to be featured. We will feature one photo per family, and you can submit separate photos of each child, but only one kid per family would be picked for the feature. You can also submit sibling photos, and that way more than one child per family can be featured. The photo can be an older photo if you are not traveling this month. We will not approve photos posted by children under 13 year old, all photos need to be posted by parents, on the parent’s Instagram account. This is not a model or cuteness contest, nor this is a popularity contest who gets the most likes. In fact, this is not really a contest at all. We simply want to give some great kids a way to get their voices heard. Ideally we would like to feature children from different countries, and who travel in unique places, but if your kid’s favorite place is DisneyWorld, we totally get it, we like it too. The photos will be picked by Skimbaco Team, and our team of kid-sized helpers. Read a few tips of posting pictures of the kids online and see some pictures of a few of our own traveling kids below!

3 simple rules when posting pictures of children

1. Don’t post your child’s full name, address or school information online. 2. I recommend not live-posting even travel photos of your child, but publishing them after you have already left the photo spot. It’s probably a good idea not to post your hotel information either while you are still staying there. 3. Don’t be a mean mom/dad. All kids do embarrassingly stupid things, and sometimes we are all tempted to publish the embarrassing photos online. Don’t do it. You wouldn’t want your kid to air out your dirty laundry either, or worse, publish photos of you doing something stupid. Posting embarrassing photos of your child might be all fun and games now, but remember your kid will grow older and everything you put online will be found later on.

Kids traveling on Instagram

IGTT Traveling Linky

Read more Instagram Travel posts from these new blog posts this week and add your own blog post. instagram-travel-linky-rules Not a blogger? Not a problem. Join us at Instagram by using hashtag #igtravelthursday and share your travel photos.

Bloggers! Join the Instagram Travel Thursday and Host the Linky!

Bloggers, join us! Add your blog post to the Linky above, and you can also take the Linky code and add the Linky widget in your blog! Get email sent to you when the Instagram Travel Thursday linky post is up (subscribe it here). Get the InLinkz code for your post here. Copy and paste the following rules and the banner image when you host the Linky widget: Join us for Instagram Travel Thursday! Instagram Travel Thursday is a weekly blog post collection with a purpose to promote the great travel experts on Instagram and Instagram as a source for travel inspiration. Add your Instagram Travel-related post to the Linky. Here are the Linky rules: Link to a new Instagram travel post and use the permalink of your post, not the homepage URL. Only new posts from the week of the linky and no giveaways, other linkys or sales pitches. No links to your Instagram profile, only links to your blog. Link back to one of the Instagram Travel Thursday Linky hosts. Visit a few other posts in the linky and show them some love (comment, tweet, Pin etc.). Links that do not follow the guidelines will be removed. More information at Skimbaco Lifestyle’s Instagram Travel Thursday page.


Also get my ebook Instagram as your Guide to the World – How, What and Who to Search and Follow on Instagram to Help You Travel the World FOR FREE when you subscribe to my newsletter.

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.