Spirit of Scandinavian Christmas: Hantverksgården in Linköping, Sweden

Christmas Markets in Sweden

The best about Swedish Christmas markets: you don’t have to go far to find one. Most communities here in Sweden have their own Christmas market, and they are held in castles, schools, churches and even in barns in the countryside. In fact, my favorite ones are the ones held in the countryside inside the red barns and full of handmade goodies and ideas for crafts and DIY gifts. The Christmas markets start early in November, and we have been in a different Christmas market each weekend. Some are held only for a few days, and what we learned pretty fast, the same merchants travel around the country selling their products in various Christmas markets. So if you forgot to buy the specialty mustard for your Holiday ham, or want more of the fresh bread, the chances are you will find the same or something very similar again the next weekend from a different Christmas market. Our first Christmas market this winter was Hantverksgården in Linköping, where all of these photos are from. We didn’t have snow yet, but as I am typing this we have a around a foot of fresh snow outside. Christmas time in Sweden is pretty magical, and it’s a great time of the year to come for a visit.

Hantverksgården in Ledberg, Linköping Sweden

Enjoy a virtual tour of the Hantverksgården, and share in the comments what’s your local favorite thing to do during the Holidays in your corner of the world. Often we find gems right around the corner, if we just want to look. I love how the market welcomes you and the outside is almost prettier than the inside!

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.