The Finnish School Bag

Marimekko Koululaukku

The Olkalaukku messenger bag – commonly known as the “Finnish School Bag” – was designed in 1971 and remains one of Marimekko’s most popular all-purpose bags.

It’s one of those bags, that you’ll love from Middle School to Middle Age – and beyond.
For most Finns, this bag brings back childhood memories, or memories of the crazy college years (well, not for me of course). If you have ever owned one, please leave your Marimekko Olkalaukku Memory in the comment section!

This bag is one of the most popular bags in Finland, no wonder, it truly is a multi-purpose bag.

– Timeless design by Ristomatti Ratia. High quality that lasts.

– Perfect library bag for the whole family.

– Right choice for those difficult teenage years, always trendy, but not too trendy for your environmentalist friends.

– A cool diaper bag for mom.

– Right size for a laptop.

– Stylish even for men.

– Easily doubles as a no-brainer of an overnight bag.

– Eco-friendly grocery carryall.

This bag truly has a purpose for everyone in the family.

The bag has a full overflap with a zipper and outside pockets for easy access to a cell, keys, and other grab-me items. It’s roomy enough to hold folders, a few books (hopefully good ones), a palm pilot, a wallet, and a couple of magazines.

NEW FOR FALL 07! New color: silver grey!

Marimekko Olkalaukku available at Honfleurhome (92$).

Marimekko Messange Bag

Ok, the first Marimekko Memory in Finnish… Saaraliini, I had to translate some of your comment, too good not to share:
.. I bought it while still in high school, and it has lived with me in four different countries… when I was younger, I thought the best of this bag was that I could fit a six pack in without nobody noticing..
  1. Hihii, tasta laukusta tulee muistoja mieleen. Hankin sen lukiossa ja se on nyt asunut kanssani neljassa maassa. Oikea jokapaikan laukku. Nuorempana pidin parhaana ominaisuutena sita etta sinne mahtui vaivauttomasti ja huomaamattomasti six pack:)Saksassa se oli kauppakassinani ja pysyi myos tukevasti selan puolella pyoraillessani. Minulla oli myos sellainen pakkomielle etta kannykan on oltava laukkua katsottaessa oikean puoleisessa pikkutaskussa.
    Halusin ehdottomasti punaisen mutta kaupassa vaihdoin sen viime tingassa siniseen.

    Taidanpa menna kaivelemaan foot lockeria ja ottaa laukun huomenna toihin. Kiitos tasta!

    Reipasta mielta, aurinkoa ja halauksia Texasista!

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