Modern art by Avalisa – and now also wool rugs

One of my favorite graphic artists is a designer Lisa Masterson.

When walking in a trade show in New York, I saw Lisa’s wall art already from far away, and couldn’t help but feel like home. Her designs have such distinctive characteristics of Scandinavian Design, that I instantly fell in love with the modern, but yet so homey to me designs. When I started talking to Lisa, we connected right away – she actually has a Finnish grandmother, and her company name Avalisa is an easier version of a very popular Finnish name Eeva-Liisa, the name of Lisa’s grandmother. While chatting about Finland, and comparing our Volvos, we also started a business relationship, and Skimbaco is now proud to carry Avalisa products.

Lisa Masterson has expanded her wall art designs now also for other products, such as wool rugs. Avalisa memory game was also a hit item past Holiday season, and also gifted for Miss Suri Cruise.

While my children can’t get enough of playing with the memory game, I am in love with Avalisa hand-tuffed wool rugs, made of wool from New Zealand. The quality is just superb and the designs perfect for any contemporary home. Both children and adults love Avalisa’s designs, and the modern New Zeland wool rugs will be perfect for both children’s and adult’s spaces.

Wool rugs are starting at 310$, and come in three different sizes. Shop now

Lisa also designed a series of baby announcement cards for a popular online card and photo service site, Shutterfly.

Avalisa’s designs at Shutterfly

Shutterfly is very simple to use, you can download the photo you want to use from your own computer and you can see right away how your card will look like. Prices are very reasonable for a designer look with your own touches, depending on how many you order, the price is 1.89$-2.49$ per card.

And the product Avalisa is mainly known for is bold and colorful wall art. Animals, abstracts, nature and city life – there are so many influences and pictures in Avalisa’s designs. Modern, simple, bold – adding something more than just a picture on a wall – Avalisa’s modern wall art will brighten any day and any space.

Shop for Avalisa products. Use code SKI15 for 15% off your order.

  1. We go to toy/gift trade shows here in Alberta and it’s always fun. I wish I could go to a trade show in New York!! I bet it’s a blast!! So much more stuff available over there…

    I love the memory game. Sehan onkin peli jota minunkin pitaisi pelata koko ajan. Jos vaikka saisi muistia paremmaksi…

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.