Storm skiing with kids

Posted a few days late due internet and electricity outage

The ski day with the kids was a blast!

We didn’t really know what to expect today, when we left for our first official ski day of the season with the three kids (aged 4, 6 and 7) . It was snowing when we left home, but we weren’t fully prepared for the weather and other craziness at the Durango Mountain Resort. The snow made visibility almost none, but the place was packed for the tourists spending their last days of skiing before heading home from the Holiday vacations, and the locals wanted to ski the sticky thick new snow.

The ski conditions were the worst you could think of. It was snowing so much that I actually decided to ski without my eye glasses – I couldn’t see any better with them. The fresh snow was knee-deep and it made skiing difficult even for us adults – not to even mention for our kids! But falls didn’t hurt – kids fell to the soft fresh snow and it was just part of the fun.

Girls were doing the “pizza” and “french fries” – putting the skis in the wedge position that looks like a pizza slice or keeping the skis on parallel position, and girls were staying up in their skis already really good and impressed us with the amazing attitude of wanting the be ski girls. They can’t wait for their ski schools to start.

Kris was a little worried the about the actual working out part – he did very good on the first couple runs, and then he just cracked me up with his “can’t you just gimme a break Katja” comments, the poor kid was totally beat. He was just getting tired and I said we’d take a break and sit in a ski lift soon. At the ski lift was praising him and saying how well he was doing “you’re welcome” was his answer.

After a the ski lift taking us back to up, and after his spirits being up, he was doing much better. At the half way of the slope he was trying to turn and did a little too steep turn and started skiing backwards.

“Awesome dude, you’re skiing backwards” I was shouting all excited – he didn’t seem to mind that he was skiing backwards, he was just happy to stay up.

“I know mom, I’m freestylin’ ” said my cutie 4 year old.

There was a snowboard teacher close by and even he gave Kris some encouragement and it just lifted Kristian’s spirit and after the end of the day he couldn’t wait to learn more and start “doing crazy stuff”.

Oh, what a day! it was fun, but we got stuck in the snow and I had left my boots at the resort and was wearing my ski boots and had to push the car of the parking lot (you’d think Volvos are great winter cars, made in Sweden and all…) and I was beat when we got home.

The internet went out right after I started writing this so I will have to post it later. I signed up for Blog 365 … not a very good start, since I’m already missing posting on the right dates….

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.