Ladybug luck coming your way

DeAnna Cochran ladybug necklace (39$) just arrived at Skimbaco.

  Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for all the e-mails and comments here, and thank you for all bloggers who have mentioned my luck – the blog line on the right just keeps growing! My sincere thank you. I didn’t mean to disappear anywhere, as I said, I have been cooking a new soup here. Want a little pre-taste? You got it! I wanted to turn this Cruise-Oprah-ladybug-shoes into something good, and I have been busy making a new ladybug product line. I was also trying to connect with a few charities I really wanted to donate the proceeds from the new ladybug-products, but unfortunately was not able to get in touch with the right people. Well, I’m not a patient person, when I want to get something done, I usually mean done.right.now. FREE PR-CONSULTING FOR SMALL BIZ & MOMMY BLOGGERS Then the idea hit me – I don’t need a charity, I am going to start one by myself. A charity helping small business owners and bloggers for free. I know both sides, the business owner’s side, and the blogger’s side. There has been so much talk lately about Mommy Bloggers, and how some make huge incomes (40,000$ a month says one popular mama blogger) and get invited to promotional deals like J&J Baby Camp or to the DisneyWorld. The mommy bloggers recently appeared on Today Show, and my friend Christine just shared her Mother’s Day Gift Ideas on Good Day Sacramento TV Show. Mommy Bloggers are hot-hot-hot right now. But how come your blog isn’t making a penny? Even though you are a hot mommy blogger?! What about the American small businesses? The big corporations have outsourced the labor and manufacture products in China. Small businesses can not compete with the price of products made in the USA. Everyone knows about the recalls on several China-made products, some of them extremely hazardous to our health. Wouldn’t it be nice if more products were made in the USA, this would bring jobs and significantly higher the quality of products? Are you a small business owner, a mommy designer wanting to get your product more known? Is it overwhelming sometimes trying to compete with big corporations? The good news is, that the virtual world allows us to find like-minded people. Like people, who are searching for the products you offer. I want to help to connect people online. Are you a mompreneur, Etsy-designer, a small business owner? Are you a mommy blogger, review blogger, or parenting site owner? Are you a PR professional? Are you ready for some ladybug luck? Let’s talk. Let’s connect. Let’s help each other out. Contact me if you want to be a part of this! Oh yeah. And the products. Sneak peek of some of them here. Available on May 15th.  

Don’t bug me. Or I’ll blog about it. LadyBloggers get Lucky. Luck lands briefly. Be ready.

Yeah baby! That’s what I’m talking about!
  1. I had such fun with your contest Katja. It is so exciting the way this Cruise-Oprah thing has grown – and it’s all because of your energy!
    Thanks to your blog contest I had almost 60 readers comment and enter to win. The woman that ended up winning was so happy about getting some items for her daughter. Okay I’m going to go and email you now re: your mommy blogger initiative. My site is hopping and I work in PR full time so I’m interested…

  2. Where can I get these shirts???!! They are GREAT!
    Your idea of starting your ‘own’ charity is fabulous!
    You are an inspiration to us all!

  3. Katja,

    What a cute concept! I’ve seen the ladybug shoes on Oprah, and I just adore your other products! It sounds like you know exactly what you’re doing, and it’s so kind of you to pass on your knowledge and advice to starting entrepreneurs. Many women are not aware of the incredible impact the internet can have on their business, even their blogs! It can be a profitable and fulfilling endeavor, but with a little help and guidance on the way, the options are limitless. For example, I just took my home business online with Office Live Small Business by Microsoft. In a way it’s like a one-stop shop, with a consolidated e-mail platform that’s great for newsletter submissions and checking the status of sent messages as well. OLSB also comes with an easy-to-use webpage designer, which means you need no prior web design experience to come up with a professional, elegant website for your small business.

    I could go on, but there’s plenty of information on their website: http://smallbusiness.officelive.com

    One more great aspect of OLSB is its incredible ability to gain you potential consumers and increase exposure and SEO through its AdManager, and you can check your website’s traffic reports in full detail as well! To top it all off, you get your own customized “.com” web address for free. Like I said, it comes with everything a small home business owner could possibly need to get online. From there, the opportunities are infinite! Please check it out, and if you or your readers want to know any more, my personal e-mail address is k-rosenberg@live.com. I work with Microsoft and would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have! Thanks for your time, and keep up the great work! I’ll have to jump on those new products as soon as they’re released!


  4. I love the shirt and bag, too. I exhausted my Mother’s DAy Madmoney fund, but will get this for my Summer Sizzle Stash. :)

  5. Great, great, great idea! You are like the energizer bunny! I love Don’t bug me, or I’ll blog about it, lol.

    I added your blog to our blogroll on mommydaddyblog.com, btw :-).

  6. Okay…preparing my winner’s post for the Suri shoes and was reading through your blog some more. I had NO idea all that you have been through lately. Your posts brought tears to my eyes and to see you so positive and doing for others in the midst of such personal tragedy, well…inspiration just isn’t a strong enough word for it. You are my new hero. :)

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.