Museum, shopping & reunions in Austin, Tx

Before our trip, we asked the kids, what they wanted to do on our trip, and especially on our one free day in Austin. They answered with a question “are there any good museums for kids”.

Well, since you asked, there is an excellent Children’s Museum, right in the heart of downtown Austin. And that was our destination number one this morning. When traveling with children – you need to take their needs and wishes in consideration – and then you will get to do things you want to do too. Give and take, I’m telling ya. We were lucky to get The Bride to come with us.

The Austin Children’s Museum was great. The thing was that while the museum had technically cool things, like the electric gongs by de la máquina, some of the simpliest things were the most popular. Like playing with the train or building blocks – or even playfood. All the same toys they play at home. It was just more exciting in a new environment.

I have to say, it was fun for adults too. At least for the first thirty minutes or so. Just exploring and trying things, and seeing things in the eyes of a child.

But after listening to all the fun going on… I started wondering how much more fun that place really would be if they had a bar for parents in the premises.

After the museum, we did some shopping – and kids were like little angels, I have to say.

A cute little store called Payton’s Place had this real dog hanging out in their store – and window. I wanted to buy everything in that store – just because of the cutest sales dog I’ve ever seen. My kids? They just wanted the dog.

The shopping was nuts. I haven’t done big city shopping for a while, and first I was so excited and wanted to buy everything. After a very short while, I was exhausted, and was wondering how did I used to do it. I’m so used to online shopping now, that my shopping skills were so out of shape. Speaking of shape… I got all SPANXed for the wedding – yeah baby, I had to get some of those shaping full-body-pantyhoses to keep my curves (which are in the wrong places) under control under my dress.

We had some lunch with my in-laws (Serrano’s, yummy Mexican food), and kids were just psyched to see Grandparents. It was a happy reunion, we hadn’t seen them since Christmas.

Another reunion took place a few hours later. My husband had called up to some old high school friends, and we were planning on seeing them at Central Market – yes, at a grocery store. I had been there once or twice before, and to be honest thought meeting friends at the grocery store was not just a little weird, but a lot weird – regardless how nice imported cheese collection they were offering..

But they couldn’t have picked up a better place. There was a children’s playground right next to the store, and a huge park with a pond with swans, turtles and other critters running around. The store had a cafeteria/wine bar offering a wide selection of imported wines and beers with an outdoor patio (next to the playground) – and it was just the place to keep both the families and the people without kids happy.

At some point we also bought books for kids, had tuxedos all fitted and got rest of the little things bought for the wedding. We were driving around Austin since 10 on the morning until 10 PM.

Tomorrow is another big day: wedding rehearsal, lunch at Aunt’s honoring the Bride (just for the girls) and then rehearsal dinner. And the Big Day is on Saturday.

I think I can’t take this city and vacation anymore without a drink; it’s just totally rockin’ – and tomorrow night I’m going to have my Piña Colada, so don’t expect too much of a report tomorrow night ;)

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.