Hot Blogger Calendar Photo Shoot

Erika and me.

I am so behind with my blog posts, including sharing the fun Hot Blogger Calendar photo shoot in New York City on the beginning of the month.

You know… You may think that I’m nuts, but I wanted to wear my ski pants, ski goggles and just show who I really was. A fun loving, life enjoying and yes, out of the box. So I dragged my over sized pink suitcase all through New York City, full of ski gear. I picked out some cool ski gear at North Face and some colorful accessories at Benetton.

Erika ready for photo shoot!

We all got pampered with a make up artist Jillian Villafane giving us the model treatment with professional make up. The best though was meeting all the fellow Hotties!

Erika, the Chic Shopper Chick getting photographed while Sarah and me are taking action photos of the situation.

I had a pleasure to meet Amy, NYC Watch Dog, Busy Dad, Backpacking Dad and hang out with Jill, Erika, Jane… and all the other amazing people who were on the set on Sunday.

Amy being the “hot” for the Hot Blogger Calendar

And me..? I was trying to be the cool skier girl, but my serious posing didn’t really work out (I know, I can’t believe I’m even posting this horrible picture here!), I tried, but I guess I ain’t that edgy after all – you’ll see when the calendar comes out – I eventually couldn’t help but giving the camera and this whole experience a big grin.

Special thanks to the wonderful photographers:
Meg Wachter and Bill Wadman and for Jane and Sarah for organizing the photo shoot!

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.