Guest Post by Duong Sheahan
Being a refugee from Vietnam and having escaped the communist regime during the Fall of Saigon, at the age of six, I have come to appreciate the life that I have. As I continue to discover more of my purpose and destiny, sometimes it’s hard not to wonder why I wasn’t one of the casualties of this diabolic war-zone; but instead I have been given this amazing opportunity to live a life in America and to truly experience the freedom that would have been taken away.
There are moments when I reflect on the fear of the unknown from that exodus that gripped my heart during our family’s escape by boat, attempting to make it across the raging Pacific. I’m reminded to thank the Lord for rescuing my family and me and the forty strangers who were among us, crammed in that fishing boat like tiny sardines.
Living life to the fullest is not just about accomplishing big dreams. Many aspire to do that and many have; but you can conquer the world, yet have a life filled with void, emptiness, and die lonely.
Our sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln said, “It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” I ask myself often, “What am I doing that is making life matter? I have had opportunities to serve and bring encouragement to others over the years in many ways through various ministry involvements; but one way that I am living my fullest life now is by empowering women to live healthier and happier from the inside through my blog at Healthy Beauty Secrets.
I also endeavor to live by principles that I’ve adopted over the years:
• Love unconditionally, but especially the unlovely.
• Walk in forgiveness towards those who have offended you.
• Look for opportunities to give and expect nothing in return.
• Speak well of others; Let the law of kindness always be on my tongue. People need to be encouraged more than ever.
• Believe the best about others and give them the benefit of the doubt before you come to a conclusion prematurely.
• Find a need and meet in whatever way you can, big or small.
• Build a legacy that you can be proud to leave for your children.
While I was writing this post, I stopped and took a moment to check Twitter and noticed a hash tag for #onmymind by @garvyvee. I just so happened to have this thought on my mind since I was writing a about “Living My Fullest Life”, it was appropriate that my reply to what’s #onmymind was, “Life is but a mere breath, live your fullest life now and don’t wait until tomorrow…for tomorrow may not come.”
May we all live our life to the fullest. “What we do in this life echoes into eternity” (Maximus ~The Gladiator Movie).
Duong Sheahan is the blog owner of Healthy Beauty Secrets and Founder of Beauty Secrets , where she publishes health articles from various health experts from around the world. She is passionate about empowering people, especially women and moms to live healthier and happier from the inside-out… in spirit, soul, and body.
Duong is a certified Biblical Health Coach and writes articles on topics ranging from women’s health to inspirational encouragement on her own blog at Healthy Beauty Secrets as well as guest posts for several online publications empowering people to live healthier and happier.