I’m an avid coffee shop-goer, and coffee lover, I get serious withdrawals if I can’t get my daily latte. May not be healthy habit, but it’s the coffee that keeps me going. I luv Starbucks, but my passion is visiting small coffee shops with freshly roasted and grounded coffee, and that little extra ingredient called personality. One of my finds in New York city is Kaffe 1668
(275 Greenwich St, in Tribeca), which drew me in with the name – had to be the real Scandinavian deal, and as I learned, the owners are from Sweden, and I even got my favorite
Swedish chocolate balls there with my latte. (And you thought we Scandinavians only ate meatballs)

But it’s the Finn in me that enjoys not just seeing Scandinavian things, but Finnish things around the world. And Kaffe 1668 surprised me with homey coffee mugs, from Finland. I have written about
Arabia’s Teema dinnerware before, it is a modern classic, and one of the most popular collections of Scandinavia.

Kaffe 1668 is worth your visit for the chocolate balls, free wifi and authentic Scandinavian
atmosfär and great coffee from even better coffee mugs.
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Kaffe 1668