One of the Finnish Design stables is
, a glass bowl that started as a sugar bowl, but now is used in numerous homes around the world serving so many additional purposes. The design is originally from the 1800’s, and not even from Finland, but from Germany. The first manufacturer for the bowl in Finland was Riihimäen Lasi, and there were other similar type of glass products in the same series, but Maribowl is the one that really took off.
It is unknown how the sugar bowl became Maribowl, or
Mariskooli, as it is called in Finland, but Armi Ratia, the mother and the legend of Marimekko saw it in the 50’s and fell in love and she wanted to buy the design for Marimekko. One of the stories is that her son Ristomatti Ratia was sent to buy a serving bowl and bought it for her. Another story is that she Marimekko designer Vuokko Nurmesniemi introduced it to her when she was leaving Marimekko by making a farewell window display with Marimekko fabrics and the sugar bowls and text “
Skool Marimekko!” – cheers Marimekko. Either way – Armi Ratia fought for a few years to make this glassware part of Marimekko, and in 1959 Marimekko finally owned the design.
Nuutajärvi Glass,
Nuutajärven Lasitehdas, started making the bowl in 1959 for
Marimekko and it officially became the

iittala glass company has the manufacturing rights for the
, and Marimekko still owns the design rights, and Maribowl is sold in 25 different colors and in two different sizes around the world. You can find yours from
Win it! I am hosting a
$100 FinnStyle Gift Card giveaway at Skimbaco Home – you can get a Maribowl for you AND your friend with that gift card!