Sometimes It Takes a Leap of Faith

YOU WILL NEED FAITH TO KNOW THERE WILL BE SUN AFTER THE FOG. It was a few months there that I walked around in a dense thick fog. Not literally of course, but that’s how I felt in my mind and in my heart. It was clouded, dark and I desperately wanted out. In fact, I would have given anything to get out. I knew deep down that the only way to thin the fog, the only way to see the sun on the horizon again was to take a leap of faith. This leap of faith would mean a change in my lifestyle, a change in my everyday and a change in me. It was going to involve a daily commitment from me to follow after what I was suppose to be doing in life. It involved going from having a steady paycheck to earning my income freelance and it wasn’t going to be a guarantee. No matter the sacrifice I knew in my heart that this was my chance to truly live the “abundant” life, to truly live life to the fullest. So, though it took me a long time to take the leap, and it was not easy learning to live differently the first few months, I’m so glad that three years ago I took a leap of faith into this new “life”. Every day is a new adventure, but life is about learning and growing, and faith is about trusting in something that you cannot see. So with a sense of adventure and at least a mustard seed of faith I face each day. So far it has been leading me down a path I could have never created for myself even in my wildest dreams. Living life to the fullest doesn’t mean that life is easy, or without struggle, because it is in and through those struggles that you learn and grow the most. This prepares you for the next leg of your journey. I have been a few miles down the road, I have amazing memories from those travels and I’m looking forward to the ones that lie ahead. Success starts with leap of faith Written by Alyssa Avant. Alyssa Avant is a Christian writer, blogger and speaker.  She is the founder of a ministry to tween and teen girls and their moms, Beauty by Design Ministries.  She has a passion for ministry and a love for life.  She is wife to Greg and mother to three amazing kids.  They live in the Deep South.  She blogs at Life From My Laptop and you can tweet her @AlyssaAvant. Change your life - join Young Living essential oils!
  1. It’s a huge leap of faith to leave the comfort of what you know, even if it’s something that’s making you unhappy. I know because I did the same thing. I love checking in with you to see all your successes, Alyssa. Good for you for taking that leap!

  2. This article pertains not only to adults but also for kids! I know that in coaching my own children to start their own businesses took heaps of faith – not only for them but for me as well. God reaches out for us exactly where we are and then faith takes us that much further!

  3. I am so glad you took that leap of faith, as otherwise who would be my writer :) I took that leap of faith 1 1/2 years ago and love the joy and pain that comes with it. At the end of the day I know I have made the correct choice.
    Good luck today, tomorrow and forever.
    Oh and good luck with Blissdom
    If it’s meant to be it will.

  4. Just like a butterfly that changes from an ugly worm, we have a life that is made by God and we are to make the changes with the faith that God knows what He is doing. I have seen you grow in the way which you refer and it has been an inspiration to everyone around you. I am grateful for our friendship and for those times in which you have held my hand to leap into the great unknown!

  5. Alyss, you can do anything you set your heart to. You have wonderful faith in God. Just remember that God will be with you in anything you do.
    Leap on to another step in your life.

    Love you.

  6. Oh Alyssa is this ever a timely article for me! Having been in Corporate America for 28 years, I’m praying and seriously considering my big “leap of faith”. Some call it “jumping off a cliff” but you are SO right. Even now with my part-time business booming, I never in a million years could have imagined this for myself. I can only begin to imagine what it will be like when I take the full leap. Thank you for reminding me that even though leaps of faith are not without hardship, NOT taking the leap is so much harder, and doesn’t begin to be as rewarding!

  7. Alyssa,
    Fantastic! I am so right there with you. Stepping out in BOLD faith, doing Bold things for God. Your faith and obedience will be rewarded with blessing! Take the next step in faith, and keep going. What an adventure He has in store for us.

  8. I just have to let you know I needed this blog post exactly at this minute in my life….I will be going through some major changes within the next month, and I already realized that it was going to take a greater faith than I have ever known for quite awhile, but this really encouraged me. Thank you, Alyssa. I love reading your blogs. So glad our mutual friends told me about you….

  9. I know what you mean – I took the same leap of faith years ago, and decided that I was going to create the life I wanted. I hasn’t always been easy – but I now truly love every day and what I do.

  10. Alyssa,

    You are such an inspiration to so many! You’re full of ideas, motivation, and faith. Thanks for being my friend… I can’t wait to actually meet you!!!

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