Isn’t it funny how fast life can change? One minute you’re living in New York City, traveling the East Coast, working at the United Nations and seeing Broadway plays on the weekends.
The next week you’re living in Tennessee, traveling to Babies R Us, preparing to be a stay at home mom and reading “What to Expect” on the weekends.
Isn’t it funny that the life you never aspired to have can be the life you always wanted? This past year has been the most amazing year of my life. Will has brought such joy to our lives and has made me realize that life must be very intentional – especially if you want to live life to the fullest.
Once my days were full of whatever I wanted to do – whenever I wanted to do it. Now my days are full of playing with blocks, tunnels and sword fights. But being a stay at home mom I also have the luxury of few hours of free time each day which I try to to fill with great things like scrapbooking, knitting, blogging, reading, decorating and organizing!
Isn’t it funny the way life turns out? I love how the Lord knows what plans he has for us and what purposes we are to fulfill in each season in life. He knows what is best for us and I am loving being a mom and wife during this season of life. Life is full of surprises, twists and adventures and you never know what the next day (or hour) is going to bring.
So, here I am living the life I never knew I wanted and loving every minute of it!
Written by Amber Dixon. Amber Dixon is a mommy blogger who chronicles the Dixon family adventures at www.dixondialogue.com. She loves blogging about her family, her Savior, books, crafy things and social justice issues.
This post is part of Blissdom Conference ticket giveaway.