Guest post by Aparna Vashisht.
I gave birth to my third son 2 months ago. I had gestational diabetes with during my pregnancy so I couldn’t eat too many sweet things or even carbohydrates towards the end. Pasta, bread, fruits, etc. were off limits so cakes, sweets, brownies were totally out of the question.
Tonight, on January 30th, 2011, I am sitting on my couch eating a brownie and watching the Screen Actors’ Guild Awards. The brownie is divine and the chocolate is sending all sorts of divine signals to my brain. You have eaten a brownie, you get the picture.
I started watching the show at the point where they nominated Alec Baldwin for the best actor award in a comedy for 30 Rock. As he got up to get his award, I saw Tina Fey look smashing in her red dress.
Just in case you didn’t watch the awards, here is her picture:
Image: Celebrity Gossip
I felt a little bad for eating my brownie.
Then, I saw Angie Harmon in her gorgeous dress and super tiny waist, and I began to feel a little guilty about my delicious brownie. After all, I still have about 20 pounds to shed and the word sag may have an entirely different meaning for me.
I continued to eat my brownie and reminded myself that I am a mom, I work full time, some might say ALL the time, My kids are healthy and happy. I am so grateful that I was able to get pregnant. Even though it was a pain to watch what I was ate, my pregnancy was uneventful. Labor and delivery were easy and with epidural. My sugar levels returned to normal after I gave birth.
I think it is easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to the images of perfection we see around us. Be it in a magazine, (yes admit it, that In Style lady makes you suck in your belly for a second) or TV, women are constantly bombarded with “perfection” and what we “should” look like.
I say to hell with it. We are all beautiful and we come in all shapes and sizes. If you are mom, give yourself a pat on the back and eat that brownie.
Yes, the women in the magazine and on TV look fabulous but so do I and I have battle scars on my tummy to prove it.
Guest post by Aparna Vashisht. Aparna Vashisht is the Founder and CEO of She loves chocolate brownies.