Thousands of participating Starbucks-operated stores across the country and
www.CreateJobsforUSA.org are now accepting donations to help create and sustain jobs. Donors who contribute $5 or more will receive a red, white and blue wristband with the message “Indivisible.” In addition Starbucks Foundation donated $5 million in seed money. 100% of the donations will go to community development financial institutions (CDFIs) to finance underserved community businesses—small businesses, microenterprises, nonprofit organizations, commercial real estate developers, and affordable housing developers. All of these community businesses help to create and sustain local jobs.
Now, all this sounds great, and I hear they are helping a lot of companies via micro-financing and helping small businesses to kick start their companies or expand and hire more people. But I can’t help but think – would my $5 be better spent to support a local business and help those people to keep their jobs? I also can’t help but think how many people Starbucks could be able to give jobs if they started manufacturing their coffee cups in the US? You can read about
success stories that have been made possible via this program.