The Thanksgiving table is set, the aroma of the turkey is filling the house and you can’t wait to tackle the mashed potatoes.
But wait.
Before that, we have to engage in the tradition of saying what we are thankful for. It’s your turn. Are you ready?
My family, my job, the roof over my head. But my gracious friends, when it comes to living a gracious life, gratitude is key. Daily. Not just that one pre-potato moment.
So with Thanksgiving on the horizon, let’s use this opportunity to celebrate the daily little things: The coffee in the morning, the dew on the leaves, the alone time we have in our cars to and from work. So often it’s easy to approach life with haste… passing up all of these potential moments of gratitude… after all: so much to do and so little time.
But let’s hit the pause button just for a moment, and share these moments together… what small things or moments are you grateful for this week? Please do share.