A moment in my life..
A new door opened in my life, totally unexpected.
And while it sounds like this is a once-in-a-lifetime moment, this type of things are sort of typical in my life. Things like this happen when you pick the perfect man to share your life with, who completely gets who you are. Who wants to explore this life and world together.
These kind of things happen when you are open to possibilities, think anything is possible, and work hard to make even impossible things happen.
These kind of things happen when you live skimbaco lifestyle.
The phone call…
I was sitting in the train going to New York City and reading the latest edition of Fast Company, and enjoying my moment of non-connectivity with my phone on silent. But you know how it is – we social media folks can go only so long (like 20 minutes) without our technology soul mates, and I had to check my phone.
6 missed calls from my husband.
And a text message
“Can you talk? Please! Very important!!!”
Six calls, three explanation marks, and my heart sinks, this has to be important, my husband would not do this for nothing.
I’m waiting my phone to dial my husband’s number and my mind is racing.
Is it the kids, did something happen? Where am I? When is the next stop if I need to get out of the train and go back home?
He answers on the first ring.
“Just tell me, is something wrong? What’s going on?” I say not giving him a chance to speak.
“Are you sitting down?” he asks.
I’m thinking well, what the heck do you think, I’m in the train, but realize this might not be the time to be sarcastic.
“Yes, please just tell” because my head might explode if I don’t know immediately.
“Well, I was offered a job. In a different country. Guess where.”
Um, what? And no more these games, just blurt the heck out what you have to say because I can’t take this excitement anymore.
“No idea, just say, come on, just tell me what happened” I say a plead in my voice.
“My boss just called and he offered me a position in Sweden” and he goes into details what the job would be, and “do you wanna move to Sweden?”
I can’t help it but tears start falling down my cheeks.
Relief, excitement, joy.
Scared, stressed, emotional.
I brush my tears off and say the same words I have said to the man I love, and to the life I love so many times before..
“I do.”
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