My Living Room Stage 2

I have a feeling it’ll be a while before we have this new house decorated. Like with any house, it is better to live in first and then see what you really want to do with your space. Already now some of the things that I thought I like are not working too well, and we have already moved some furniture. We are also semi-addicted to going to flea markets on the weekends, and have made some great furniture finds for kids’ rooms. I also try to keep myself away from IKEA for a while, because this place started looking like from an IKEA catalog. The good about IKEA is the instant gratification – you haul it home, assemble and done. And the bad about second hand finds and more expensive design furniture is that it takes longer to find something or special order, so we are still waiting to find and have delivered – or found. In addition it’s the unfortunate limitation of the budget that keeps me from getting everything right on this moment. But a quick update where our living room stands now.. We are really trying to go on the Scandinavian minimalism. The first pictures from our home looked like above – like the moving boxes threw up all of our memories on the top of the furniture and on the living room floor. I’m happy to inform my junk has found their way inside the minimal amount of furniture we have. But even with as much stuff we threw away, donated and sold when we left New York, I still feel we have too much for the minimalistic lifestyle we are going after. And that’s why I already have a box in the basement with things that I will try to go and sell in a flea market later this summer. But here is an update how we are doing. The IKEA couch we ordered came, and while I LOVE the Barcelona chairs, I actually like it better now when we separated the two Barcelona chairs and added the couch in the living room. It’s not as dominant. It still needs new legs though, the wooden ones are not working for me. So here it is for now. Maybe even too minimalistic, and the rug isn’t working that well, and we still need light fixture and a lamp. And the ottoman that works now as a coffee table/desk is going to be replaced with a coffee table soon. Remember I cut the pear tree in the yard and got hurt? I saved all of the cut branches and painted some of them and they are now in our living room. We also moved the office table, and the side table we had. The side table was great for the space (on the before picture above) but we are really trying to go towards more minimalistic look, so we moved the other Barcelona chair to that spot, and I love it there. While this space is getting almost bare, I am living it more and more each day. Now I really want to focus on NOT bringing anything else in here, unless I truly love it. And yes, even these branches are from the tree in the yard. Just painted and tied with yarn. I have so many ideas, but I’ve already noticed that super minimalistic decorating is actually more difficult than when you have more. For example we have already tried too different floor lamps for the living room but neither worked. Hoping we can make more chances to this space soon, and I can share more pictures. What do you think? Is this too bare, almost boring? Or do you like the minimalistic look?
  1. I love it! I really wish that my taste for minimalism would actually fit my lifestyle. I think you know I’m a packrat and also have way too much love for color and pattern to go so monochromatic. It’s also probably a good thing that the closest Ikea is a 5 hour drive away! I know all about that instant gratification… and how it can bite you in the butt. Sigh.

    1. It has taken me the past 6 years of moving — we literally had almost 4 times more stuff when we moved from Europe to the US 10 years ago, then bought our first house etc. — but after moving so often now we finally are to the bare minimum. It wasn’t easy to get rid of everything, I love collecting stuff too, and am addicted to going to flea markets here too. That’s why I’m starting this decorating very slowly… because I don’t want this house to be packed full in 3 years :)

    1. :) I like the all white for now — but that’s our plan to bring some dramatic pop of color with some Marimekko fabrics etc. that are easy to change by season. When the “bones” are simple, I think it will be easier to dress it up.

  2. I really wish I was good at decorating. I’m so much better at picking out hotels. I still need to do some things to our house, but it’s hard when I’m still in the little kids “stage”. I would love to see an outside photo of your home. I may have missed that on another post. It looks like a great home.

    1. I think I did better with more stuff… now stripping it to the bare bones and then adding only the things I like. It’s a work in progress. And yes – I will share more pictures soon! I should take pictures of our neighborhood too.

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.