Live a Little: Share the Joys of Life

Live a little: weekly inspiration

Live a Little is a weekly post here at Skimbaco Lifestyle, and hopefully you’ve already gotten used to starting your week with an inspiration of a small way how to live life to the fullest and learn to live Skimbaco lifestyle of enjoying every moment. The past few months several other bloggers have participated in the Skimbaco community’s blog hop, and they have given us even more ideas how to “live a little”. There are as many ways of bringing little Skimbaco in your life as there are all of us – from curling up on the couch with a good book at home to experiencing adventures in world travels, and everything in between. There is no right nor wrong way of enjoy life, and for you the best way is YOUR way of enjoying life. One feedback I’ve gotten from a few bloggers has been how difficult the vastness of the topic is. It’s simple: ways of “living a little”, write how you enjoy life. Yet the topic is intimidating because it can be just about anything and everything, and it difficult to narrow it down. It’s as difficult as going to an ice cream shop that has 50 flavors – impossible to choose from! So, to make this easy, starting from next week, we will have a weekly topic for Live a Little. I actually love this – because everyone will write about the same topic, but will give completely different flavor to it, and that’s what Skimbaco is all about – realizing that there isn’t one right way of doing things, but discovering YOUR best way of doing things.

Live a Little: Share the Joys of Life

Today I encourage you to join us. Join us sharing the joy of life and how you enjoy life. Share with your friends, share with your family, share with people you don’t even know. Inspire by being an example, inspire by taking others along, inspire by sharing the joy. Smile is contagious, and doing a good deed will make you feel even better. Include people in your joy, don’t hide it like a precious secret, share it to increase it. Happiness will only grow when shared. Call your friend and share something good that happened this weekend. Tell your children a happy story from your childhood. Send photos of your kids to your mother. Wear happy colors. Whatever you do – share your joy of life today with someone. If you are on Instagram – take a photo what joy of life looks like to you and tag it #skimbaco – all of the photos tagged #skimbaco will be visible on our homepage skimbacolifestyle.com, so remember to check out everyone’s photos, even if you are not on Instagram!

Bloggers join us!

Participate to Live a Little blog hop! Write a blog post how you “live a little,” what’s your small way of living life to the fullest and add your blog post to the InLinkz widget above. Rules: Link either to Skimbacolifestyle.com, OR get the InLinkz code for your post – or do both! If you post the widget in your blog post, please add these rules as well. This week's topic: share the joys of life. Next week's topic: savor summer. You can also find Live a Little banners here, and use them in your Live a Little blog posts. If you would like to be invited to our Skimbaco Community Facebook group, please let us know!

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.