My Week in Photos: Crawfish Party & IKEA Shopping

We are continuing our staycation in Sweden, and enjoying summer. This was the fourth week we had visitors staying with us, this time from New York, my old friend Stephanie with her Russian husband, and their son, and our epic Swedish summer had another Scandinavian highlight: the crawfish party. I am about three weeks behind with my laundry (clothes – the washer has been on constantly washing table clothes, linens and towels), and kids are complaining they don’t have clean socks anymore (where I ask them why you need socks anyway, it’s summer), and finally I got myself to IKEA to buy proper guest towels this week, most of our guests have been using DisneyWorld souvenir towels this summer.

Staycation pictures from Sweden

I still start each morning sharing a picture from Sweden, typically a scenic picture, and it literally feels like the rainbow with the golden opportunities for living summer to the fullest starts right on our backyard. And yes, even the rainy days with double rainbows look like this in our neighborhood. My Scandinavia is the mixture of modern design and history, mixture of winter skiing and summer sailing. This year we have embraced the history part, and visited more old churches, and walked more cobble stone streets, than for a very long time, and I’ve missed it all so much while living in the US.


The IKEA 2013 new catalog photos lured me for a quick trip to IKEA and mall (pictured below), and I was excited to see many of the new products were already making to the IKEA floor. Snapped these two pictures of the new products spotted already in the store.


Yes, the crawfish.. I admit, I am very bad at taking photos during our parties, which is good – I focus on having fun and occasionally even being a semi-good hostess. Hey, I try. I wish I had a picture of our perfectly done table, but the truth is that it was STUFFED with food and I guess in that sense very traditional from where I come from (hearing my grandmother’s voice saying you have to offer at least 7 different dishes in any respectable party). Let’s just leave it that the party was epic and ended in everyone jumping into the river, and it was a reminder to myself force more friends to plan a trip to visit us here in Sweden next summer. Our end of the rainbow is so much better when shared with friends and family. So.. when are you coming?

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.